Chronicles of an End: Valax Part I

Worse yet, fell beasts were said to be walking the lands. babbling travelers had been seen running into town pubs, and raving of nightmarish monsters slinking towards them and killing their companions before passing out from fear.

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A Primal Arrangement

The clear choice was an extremely muscular elf named archebrand, whose name was steeped in the tales of the fell beasts and bandit tribes that he had killed in order to keep their village safe.

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A Warriors Tale: Part 1

It was well known that the jungle was inhabited by a great many fell beasts, none traveled through it alone save the brave or foolhardy, and yet it never failed to draw furs in, tales of riches possessed by the beasts that dwelt there had swamped the common

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The Plot Thickens

After cutting her off and closing to contact room of the felled beast, harold traced the blood up her body with two fingertips to a large, gouged wound in her right shoulder.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 2

The young beast whimpered as he crawled forward, looking down at the felled beast. "m...mumma?" no response. the young beast sniffled and touched her, pressing his paws down as he started to shake her.

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As The Petals Fall (sequal to When Siraki Roared)

But not anymore, now you want to save yissri from not caring about life... you want her to feel guilty when she cuts a fell beast of once down."

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The Dragon's Toy

The fell beast seemed to be enjoying itself more and more, cock twitching as it mused idly. "no. . . i don't know . . . what is haaaaaaaa!"

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 17 - The Maker

Her tone became stern with her reprimand, and the patterns on her skin glowed an angry red as they took on the shapes of dragons and other fell beasts.** **jak looked up at her in wonderment upon hearing his name, but he had no reply.

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The Elemental Forces and the Dark God

His tramping, excited feet left half-kilometer-deep canyons in the weakening earth of this vast forested plain... a land laid desolate by his constant stompings, and by the fell beasts brought forth from the rotten fruits of his loins.

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Dogs of Law

Brak snarled and charged the fell beast, determined to die with honor before the evil enchantment could be brought to completion. the hellhound leapt sideways, thought-quick, and brak stumbled untouched through the place where it had been.

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The Seeker, Chapter 33

Letting loose such a fell beast could have consequences across all of hell, she would be a new power to be reckoned with and could upset the order of things. but yes, i'll help, and spread the word to the other drakes.

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Temple of Bloom (5 to 9)

At first, kimmi couldn't quite wrap hir head around the silhouette it presented, far too long and tall and bulbous to be anything but the product of hir imagination, but if any fell beast could be responsible for the destruction of hir kingdom, it would be

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