Centaurus Chapter 26
Adventuring is not a vocation to be taken lightly, death is a sword hung by a thread above every adventurer's head, for every time one leaves on a job one does not know for certain whether they will be coming back alive, thus it is essential that every iota
8 - ATOI&F - White Night Fantasy
She angled toward it, asking, "hakon, do you see that strange, aberrant light dead ahead?" he shook his head, calling back, "no, i don't see anything of the sort. are you certain that your senses are not deceiving you?"
Kayla Chapter 4 - Submission
Master david took in the erotic linens and the romantic lighting. dead center in all of it was his beautiful otteress.
They're Back
The interior was quite dark, as every source of artificial light dead and they were getting further away from the windows. slowing down as they entered a dim room in the back of the apartment, dietmar and sarah took a moment to catch their breaths.
Biscuit's Spoiled Show
dead center of her notification widget was a new message from none other than her favorite radio stud. _betcha still getting ready baby doll. can i watch?_ the aged mare smiled.
The Dragon In The Dungeon: How Far We Fall
A slightly curved, bright silver blade embossed upon a black flag speckled with a hundred points of white light. "death in the night," krek murmured to himself. valar's sharp ears still picked it up. "yes.