The Start of Something Beautiful: Chapter 5

Okay guys this is the final chapter for this segment of the story. I will be continuing this at a later date, so no worries. Sorry this took so long but I didn't wanna skimp on the details. I hope everyone enjoys this, please leave me feedback! ^.=.^ ...

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In the Limelight- Chapter 3

##### David could feel dozens of eyes focused on himself and his opponent, their hunger for conflict escalating as they longed to behold violence. Clubs tended to bring out the most primal desires in everyone, for better or worse. He could hear the fox...

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In the Limelight: Chapter 4

David reclined his seat back slightly, still adjusting to the interior of the fox's car. The seats and upholstery were all finely maintained leather, so polished in fact that moonlight reflected off of them at the right angles. The air smelled faintly...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 6

Time progressed quickly, soon the sun's light fading as it dipped hallway below the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to witness the light glistening off the surface of the ocean as day transitioned to dusk. Keith was standing out on the balcony,...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 5

Two days had passed without incident; it had all seemed to meld together in a short amount of time. Now the couple was on their way to pick Diana up from the hospital, as she was scheduled to be released shortly after they arrived. Keith's foremost...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 4

Keith sat quietly in his hotel room, staring into the dark. Amy was in the bedroom with the door slightly cracked open, busily making a few phone calls about the incident to a few of her friends. The dragon had not moved for over an hour, listening to...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 3

Amy's light green Sedan travelled across various streets in a blur, making turns with uncanny precision. Silence hung within the vehicle, neither driver nor occupant uttering one solitary word. Keith's expression was that of utter disbelief, his eyes...

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The Choice: Chapter 1

Michael awoke sprawled out on the bed, his head throbbing and backside viciously sore. He groaned aloud and moved his hands around the sheets, feeling a few discarded clothes and empty wine sample bottles near him. He turned his head to the side and...

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In the Limelight: Chapter 2

David gasped as he stepped inside the deceptively huge club, dazzled and dasped as he stepped inside the deceptively huge club, dazzled anbd azed by the sudden onslaught of lights and sounds. His eardrums rang as the deafening dubstep boomed overhead,...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 2

Well guys here it is, finally. Sorry for the huuuuuuuge delay. x.=.x Chapter 3 shall arrive very soon, as I'm writing and working on projects a lot more often now. And also I will start drawing again! So you guys can see the creepy stuff lurking in...

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Beyond Tranquil Waves

Gazing down to the depths below, questions still unanswered. Strange creatures flowing freely, tides carrying them to every corner. Light glistening from the surface, the thinnest barrier. A world above and a world below. Glorious winds bearing...

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 8

Thomas sat quietly in his temporary apartment, arms folded over his waist. One leg was shaking erratically, a nervous tick that he could not shed. In his right hand he clutched a ten inch stainless-steel blade, serrated grooves lined along the lower...

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