Kinktober—21 October 2019 (Orgasm Denial/Ruined Orgasm)
Maia bared her glistening teeth as she pulled in her stomach muscles with all her might, the tendons on the top of her foot threatening to burst through her skin. Polished titanium chains attached to her wrists and ankles clinked under the feline's...
Chapter 58: First Orgasm
The Seduction of Seleste _From the world of the mating season_ _ _ First Orgasm Chapter 58 Kilyan announced that he had to attend the wedding ceremony: not to attend at all would have been catastrophic. Not only would he face LiAnh's...
Cock Control, Orgasm Overload
Randal groaned softly as his body started moving without his permission again, pulling him away from the game that he had almost beaten. He knew that there was nothing he could to do stop it, already feeling his neck warming up as the control chip...
This Bubblebath Will Make You Orgasm
One fine afternoon, in an old part of town, a woman in a hat and petticoat was walking down the street. It would be completely impossible to tell that she was a catgirl, were it not for the tail barely peeking out the bottom. After all, she looked...
His Over-Productive Orgasm
**His Over-Productive Orgasm** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ _ _ The bear grunted, a smirk on his dark lips, eyes glittering in the dim light of his one night stand's bedroom. Lance had not expected to go home...
Tom's epic Ruined Orgasm
Tom is sitting on a chair in his room, he's only wearing a flannel with all the buttons opened, he's also wearing a few rings on his toes and a ring on his dick His dick fully erected that it almost touches his belly button, his balls big and stiff...
Kinktober—2021 (Orgasm Denial)
"So," said the tom. "One of the basic methods of assertiveness training is the broken or stuck record technique." Abigail the otter's toes splayed as she pushed herself up the leather seat. Her round ass squeaked against the upholstery. "Stu-Stuck...
Kinktober—2021 (Ruined Orgasm)
"Time to chill," said Carlisle, grabbing his hilariously hard cock. With the shimmering shower water at just the right temperature, the otter's hand pistonned up and down a few times when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted one of his wife's...
Orgasm Denial YCH story auction
The (Slot A) squirmed against the paw that stroked his cock, the hard length throbbing against both that soft touch and the firm ring locked around his base. He had lost track of how long he had been teased like this. And it didn't matter really, with...
Flash Pulp #8 Hyper Orgasmic
Whenever I see Niki it's somehow always after months. And no matter how long it's been we always greet each other the same way then get back to our old shenanigans as if we'd never been apart. He got the drop on me this time though, creeping down into...
Hypnovember - Day 25: Orgasm Denial
Day 25 - Orgasm Denial "My top priority" By Patrick D. Lambert Commissioned by Justacritic "Blazing Bicycle Kick!" The Meowth knew it was over the moment he heard the hero calling out his signature move. He turned the wheel while his...
Kinktober—2021 (Vacbed/Forced Orgasms)
"You gonna sign up for that pervert stuff? Dr. Scuttail talked about it in the class the other day. Did you forget or what?" "Uh, yeah," said Astrid. "I'm actually on it right now. And it isn't 'pervert stuff.' It's the annual kink...