Which was full of nothing but pants wetting scenes." "... okay, i definitely remember doing that... but how did you just happen to catch me buying it?" "i was the cashier on duty when you were buying it."
Arcanine and Chili
Distracting me with a hot tongue, the arcanine kicked a single hindleg up and back, tearing off my underwear in what would have been a pant-wettingly horrifying movement. "s-shar!" i gasped from beneath her licks, "w-what are you doing!?"
Twilight: Bella Sandwich
Finally embry pulled his tongue free, both wolves panting wetly as they gazed hungrily at each other. \
Summary Execution
The two stallions shuddered a little, their pants wet with pre, both thinking what a likely grand orgasm they ruined with by doing so, but of course, justice must be served and it would soon be finished.
The Vessel ch. 5
His balls continued to ache throughout the day, his cocks wanting to blow their load so bad that during the period before lunch he had to stuff some tissue in his pants secretly to try to stop his cocks from making his pants wet with precum.
Wolves Mist - Smut
Revelling at the hot breath panting wetly on it. he murred loudly at the feeling of rough tongue on his cock, lapping wetly at the glistening pre. grev looked down at the wolf before him.
Into the Caves
Perhaps her orgasm was caused by her pants wetting. it was in the realm of possibilities that jamie wasn't the only fur with this kink after all. "parameters met, executing 'naughty fox.'
Relieving Tension
His body writhed and tears fell from the corners of his eyes as he panted, wet glistening tongue hanging out through nineteen powerful throbs, each one sending every nerve ending to its limits as his hot cream passed through the internal pathway to land warm
Puppy Dog Eyes
It was dark, and after walking through the snow and getting her pants wet, nothing sounded better then maybe a warm shower and to snuggle into bed. she walked into the guest room, taking off her wet pants and shirt.
Weekend in Diapers (Pt. 1)
With the bottom-half of his t-shirt and pants wet, hank pushed through the crowd and made it to a bathroom inside. he quickly closed the door and made sure it was completely locked.
Curse of the Mightyena Chapter 4
He then turned to the machine operator that was standing in the darkness mouth agape and pants wet with his own orgasm. "adjust the tube to allow maximum amounts of receivers, soon all my men will bear my gift, luce's gift of power!" ...
I panted, wet and desperate. my whole body was warm with arousal. i had been denied permission to cum by one of them who would slap my balls and pull my cock tight when i seemed to get close, and oh could they tell when to cut me off...i moaned.