Violet & Alec

I brushed off my arms and legs from the pine needles that stuck to them, my dark hair was covered in them, "yuck" i said aloud shaking my head running my fingers through the knotted locks of hair.

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Ragnarok - XI

He lay again upon pine needle drifts. across the embers, varr lay sleeping, tired from his share of the watch, and by shane's head the girl who had spoken to him, her hand upon his shoulder, saying, "boxer, rise!

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Smokey And The Pothead

Running towards the source, he discovered some punks who were also among pine needles-and unlike the pothead from before, they were deliberately starting a fire.

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Wildlife Management

The match was flicked till it went out in a puff of smoke, tossed to the side into a pile of fallen pine needles.

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He uses pine needles and spider thread to sew up wounds, branches as crutches, vines as slings and leaves as bandages.

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Encounter In The Woods Part 1

Unfortunately that pressed him uncomfortably hard against the tree behind him and required him to shift underneath the fox to stretch out on the pine needle-coated ground instead.

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A step into the Wild

Springing form the patch of pine needles that bore his weight, he lurched into motion. bounding clearly three times his own body's length. arching gracefully through the air off of hind paws down to the fore paws. then it hit him.

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Day Off

. -- read the full work here: will walked through the door from the garage, brushing pine needles and rain out of his dense fur before he could track it all over the floors.

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The Plant's Servant

His tip leaked down against the blanket of pine needles beneath him as the slender tendril massaged in ways that no mouth, no hand, no passage could possibly manage.

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Adia and Ben

Swallowing with a dry mouth, the lape took in two beds of pine needles, a cold camp fire, two large logs around it for seats. straining her massive ears, swivling them to and fro, she picked up nothing but the rustle of the breeze. "g'day there.

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Summer Amidst the Pines

With their boots shifting through the carpet of pine needles, the pair said little as they strolled onward with no particular destination in mind, just the intention to spend a quiet, peaceful day together.

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