Pool party
Heath hasn't realized he's becoming a pool toy, and pulling at his new vinyl muzzle is really just pulling at himself.
Fun Out By the Pool
Until somebody found him in this state, he was completely stuck on the patio, as a living pool toy...and judging by who was still left inside...he might be a whole lot **more** messy before he ever made his way back into the house.
Product Testing
Sig was anxious, looking down at the form he was asked to read and sign before the experiment could start. He knew he should see what they were planning on doing but the hyena was...
Old Friends
More thoughts arrived, this time explaining how to be a good pool toy. "i am a good pool toy. i am a great pool toy, i am a grand pool toy. good pool toys serve their master... good pool toys serve master... good pool toys serve master atreo."
SYBT: Horsey House Party Part 6
It was the same horse pool toy as before. but the image was of a much better quality. more so though, there was a stud to accompany the toy this time.
Tiger Blam
"Tiger blam?" Allan muttered out loud, as he re-read the label of the small white octagon shaped container in the deserted locker room.That's probably just a misprint. The box it came in seems fine.. Allan looked over the pile of clothes sitting on the...
M/- Pool Party
In seconds, he'd fully mounted the pool toy, who threw its head back and made loud squeaks.
Night of the Pooltoy Cockatrice
It was a pool toy valve. "what the fuck?" jay asked, looking at the cockatrice. he was forced to stare at the pool toy's eyes a few more times, before he pulled himself away.
Inflated into a Pool Toy: Party Shenanigans (erotic eBook teaser)
All as the drake turns him into a pool toy inflatable with enough mass to float, all so the others at the pool can enjoy him in far more ways than one... and levi revels in it! --- thank you for reading!
Float Your Cares Away
God, there's probably some really intense stuff there about my relationships with women that a therapist could have a field day with, and all based on a pool toy.
Delightfully Deflated
Months were going by, and somehow, things were normal, or at least, as normal as they could be for Orio and Jaiy. A pair who were constantly getting themselves into trouble, it wasn't at all surprising for one or the other to have to make a phone...
Inflated Desire
At that point, wes was imagining the pool toy to actually be a friend in mortal peril, someone he couldn't turn his back on.