Minotaur Maze Madness Version 1.05
What's new: A new orc npc and transformations A new water dragon npc and transformations More bear scenes Play online (free):...
Minotaur Maze Madness Version 1.06
What's new: More scenes after encountering the two-headed dog. Play online (free): [https://desirelinesgames.itch.io/minotaur-maze-madness](https://desirelinesgames.itch.io/minotaur-maze-madness) Download Links: Dropbox (free. Just hit the link,...
Minotaur Maze Madness Version 1.10+
What's new: We're celebrating Pride all summer long! I've updated all my old games for Patreon with new text color editing options + full screen button and other minor coding changes. To celebrate Pride, I'm making one game file with the text color...
Minotaur Maze Madness Version 1.10
What's new: Added in Version 1.07: A werewolf character (update thanks to polling patrons) Added in Version 1.08: A phoenix character (update thanks to patron in Minotaur Maze Madness tier) Added in Version 1.09: A tentacles man character (update...
Cerberus' Domination: Bred by a Monster Mutt (erotic eBook teaser)
#488 of erotic ebooks, teasers and tasters cerberus is a stud of a demon dog with three heads, set to guard the gates of hell. but even he, as an intelligent creature, wants relief and pleasure too from time to time.
Me and my masters part 2
"oh wow what a huge and handsome giant. awww and he has three heads too. that's so cool and they do look cute too" he then smiled more. nick:why hello there you three. the giant then turned around and all three heads looked down and sad.
Heart of Hell Fire
Cerberus looked at herself, all three heads looking at one another as if the other two had the answer. the three heads looked to the god of death and spoke in unison, 'i am not sure my lord.
Me and my masters part 3
He then rubbed the three headed giants huge shath even more and picked up the pace too. after a while three tips popped out of there huge sheath and nick and all three heads looked at them and smiled. nick:hee hee i see the three tips now guys.
Cerberus Day Off...
The mass of semen that the three headed dog let out was like a geyser shooting water from the earth.
Taking the Third Knot
He didn't dodge, he didn't even try, but threw out his arms and wrapped them around the middle neck of the three headed beast as it knocked him to the ground with a giddy howl.
Godzilla Vs Kasier Ghidorah!
Hesitation flickered in the dragon girl, her luscious frame shifting a bit as her three heads exchanged bemused glances.
The Sweetest Treat Part 1
The three headed wolf sighed. clothes had always been a problem for the gigantic wolf.