Merge Conflict - 01 - Bonds
He was about eight years older than the rest of them, and had an actual career as a police officer, whereas chris, matt, kael, and laura herself were all university students. well, were university students until it shut down.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 41: The Lone Lamp
_ like, you're a university student?!" "yeah." the awkwardness of the situation then hit him hard. so, he had been flirting with a university student all this time?! not that he minded, but with _a friend of his friend?!_ "so, uh, yeah."
Ren, the History Major Fox in the Future
The prompts for this story were name: ren species: fox descriptor: university student, history major setting: university colony on a peaceful planet in a peaceful part of the galaxy ren, the history major fox in the future by finn panther sure, some
Tobias: A Vignette From Long Ago
From behind the dragon fanned out some university students. "some wiser students have found their true calling...''
The Diary Of Brian Ferrey (Introduction)
The apartment was on the third floor of a six story residential building made for university students. he sat down on the large leather sofa and flicked on the tv.
Easy Grade
With a pouting frown, the 18 year old university student removed his tongue from the tip of the teacher's length, a hard glint in his eyes.
DDD Day 30 Raj's Magnet Mashing No Blood
Welcome to day 30 of Destroy Dick December~! This is a piece featuring a character from {sf:OneBadMamaJama}, that being Raj the rat, who is getting castrated by Arin the tigress, who you may recognize from this story:...
DDD Day 20 Lone and Care's Cock Grilling
Welcome to day 20 of Destroy Dick December! In this one, two lovers visit the Misteria Grill, a famous restaurant located in the uptown area of Misteria University, well-known for every item on its menu involving a sub being castrated and their cock...
DDD Day 14 Amily's First Castration
Welcome to day 14 of Destroy Dick December! If you're a fan of my dirtier content, you may recognize a newer toy of Tulip's, a sheep by the name of Amily~! Believe it or not, she'd good for more than just toilet-use~ Want more? I'm posting an...
A summer in Europe
From the clubs to the little cafes she has no issue obtaining drinks despite the fact she's clearly too young to be a university student, but she doesn't question it.
Solid Magic: Highlight Reel
This "highlight reel" is a complication of some of most informative and academic portions of the sessions with the intent to encourage university students to read the sessions for themselves, and to seek a greater understanding of history and how it affects
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep11
Sasuga also happened to see some of the university's students that she recognized there and that made her hesitant. what would they do if they saw her? would they still remember her for those incidents with katherine and onyx's attack?