Dark Soles 1

As he climbed slowly, weighed down by the blade on his back, it felt that he was nonetheless buoyed up by something else, some unseen presence that was making its way out of the cistern just as he was.

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Chapter One: Bounded Harmony

Kirlia felt like her sides were being forced to split in half with each hump, and yet from some unseen presence she can feel a large number of people enjoying this.

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Temple of the Exiled God - Part Five

He dared not speak for fear of alerting cerebus to his unseen presence, unsure whether the mask would keep him from being heard as well as being seen.

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Children Of Keeval-da: Valda's Swim

While bending over to reach the bottom drawer she hummed a cheerful tune as her tail perked up swaying above her supple behind presenting her damp still aroused vent unkowingly to an unseen presence.

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Pairs of Pumpkins- Patches #1: An Estrangement Intervention at the Mason Memorial Inn

"coming right up," the sing-songy woman's voice called out from within and the rabbit perked at the unseen presence.

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The Blacksmith's Apprentice -- Chapter 1

But again my world crumbled around me as i once more overheard the blacksmith talking to an unseen presence. "yes, my lord, the preparations are complete. i've procured the items you've specified."

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The Red Maiden series pt[3] Kinslayer

She tried to free her paws but they were only gripped tighter by the unseen presence before her. "far too long" came the whisper. ninneko felt her paws drawn together, and then grabbed and by a single extremity and held there.

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The Swamp

She was having a marvelous dream in which a lover; whom she couldn't see for some reason as he appeared to be some dark unseen presence, made love to her, caressing her whole body at the same time, sensuously pleasuring her.

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Charlie and James, Chapter 17 - A Wedding to Remember

It was as if god himself had sent forth a message of love and hope; an unseen presence in the infinity of the universe which had, at that very moment, chosen to reveal itself just long enough to witness the vows which would bind us together for life.

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Pawprints In The Snow

Boots left the ground as he felt the same vibration come from his front, an unseen presence surrounded him. eyes focused on the snowy ground and noticed pawprints had formed in the whitening surface.

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Softie's Subjugation

Nude, he held his paws over his crotch while turning towards the unseen presence that had disrobed him. looking back at him at his own height was the head of a rubber horse who met his gaze with a neutral expression.

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Demon Love #1 - Summoning

The deer was howling with fright, eyes huge and white in the darkness, and the unseen presence hoisted him bodily into the air, hooves dangling uselessly. "help him!" "fuck you, you help him!" "this was your idea!"

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