Projectiles of Protection

Since their team had proven effective many times, keith was finally able to get him a military working dog position, as a spotter, in a human/canine sniper team, the first of its kind. light remembered something he'd heard keith say.

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Catholic Bitch: The Secret Service

But he found out he can make much more if the puppies are strong and smart, selling them as working dogs across the nation.

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Flying High

The working dogs hands grasp at the brown mutts ass he continues to fly south for the winter, nipping and licking at her thighs.

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The Machine - PART IV

"keep working, dog! this is no threat to us." it called to him. us? who did the machine mean? was that intimidation or did it expect jax to be afraid of what was coming? well, he actually was scared, but for a completely different reason.

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Book 2, Eve's Fate: Chapter 1: Jules

The inviting yip came through the door and james opened the door, pulling his love in gently as ronso went off to associate with some of the other working dogs. "well, here we are." the malamute laughed, seeing the expression on tanya's face.

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The Cable Guy- A Gray Muzzle story

Now, i can't imagine how this works. dogs don't have lips, and they've got these big ol teeth in front. but clancey, it was amazing! she has this really long snout, so she can take me all in. i'm riding between those canine teeth.

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The adventure of the Dinkley farm [Scooby doo] Chapter 1

"what the best way is, when you want a work dog is you need to pick males only. you cant have no females going around getting into heat and ruining the others as a work force." "no sir!

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I'm a working dog turned father thanks to a snafu with my owner's wife ( i don't want to talk about it right now). i guess i can't say being thrust into the so-called 'glamorous' life of a professional breeder has been all that bad though.

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The Lifeguard of Redondo Beach

The curse of us working dogs, her mother always said, was to look earnest at all times. "trust me, this is gold."

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Kindred Shepherd Spirits

The father and husband was a very hard working dog who worked as a personal assistant in an office building located downtown. heather was asked to stay at home and help take care of their son.

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Paying Debts

A popular coffeehouse located downtown was where most of the hard working dogs went to straight after work. there was a very tall, professional looking business dog having his usual snack named kaiser bradford. he was well known all over town.

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Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 13: Hostile Environment

The van pulled to a jarring stop mere feet from the front glass doors and the rear doors exploded open, 8 kaynines and 10 working dogs streaming out the door, the driver and passenger the last ones out. "rear guard set."

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