#17 - Milking Him For Everything He's Worth

Second, you get acclimated after a while. and third, he's like a child. he's easier to handle if i give him some of what he wants than he is if i simply deny him." **taxas:**"so you're like his nursemaid?"

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Danath's Cockvore Tourney: Round 1, Group G

The otter acclimated quite nicely to his new home, quickly adding his own weight in seed to elliot's own collection.

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Coyote in Supermax

"cellmate acclimation and engagement program session one. prisoner 674839, in ten seconds, you will approach your cellmate and give them a kiss. any attempt at biting or spitting will be punished," announced the bio-suit.

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Slice of Life: A Typical Morning

Having grown up in western washington in the united states, he was quite acclimated to rain and clouds and wind. the lizard rubbed his eyes and yawned again. he headed into the kitchen to get some coffee started.

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Envious Gains

Kumo was honestly a bit surprised at how quickly he had acclimated to the work.

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Queen Muz-Ra #10

Bhusaran gingerly lowered herself into the warm bubbling water, pausing at certain strategic points to let her body acclimate itself to the temperature. "ahh! oh!... oh.. whew. what's that? oh. no, admittedly i don't.

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Experiment 214 (Chapter 1)

What we will do is find some loose fitting clothes so that you can get yourself acclimated to the modern way of life." damian watched and listened to the doctor as he explained what was going on. his head twitched about as he looked around the room.

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Burdens - Chapter 99: Oasis

He acclimated. the usual course was that when he returned, it would be the fox's turn to take a shower. roger began to take off his clothes as well and smiled at the wolf.

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Burdens - Chapter 98: Possession

The cold iron that he sat atop had sent chills through him at first, but he had acclimated to the temperature. that, or he gave up his fight against it. there were a few more bystanders watching the team play.

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Rouge's Colosseum 16

"having trouble acclimating, even after all these years?" he blinks and spins around, gasping, "you're-?" rouge smirks, holding out a card. "charmed. a fighter like you can't exist in a peaceful world. it's not what life made you."

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 9

For all her promises that he'd get acclimated to it all, he saw no point in continuing something that so obviously disagreed with him. the relationship staggered on for another month before she just didn't come around any more.


Papa Prakibak 3

I know you and your nestmates are acclimating to all the new freedoms much better than us old men are, but that doesn't mean you have the right to break very sacred, fundamental tenants of our culture." prastlerdai blinks, tilting their head.

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