Konrad's Biography (Spoilers)

As you graduate this academy, you will move on to your apprenticeship period, as all do. learn to recognize that which is worth saving, even if it means getting left behind.



My uncle and consul, celdic had pulled strings to get me this interview for my apprenticeship. not something i was too proud of but this was my last real chance. if i was not accepted under camnus i would have to serve my uncle.

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The Breeding Temple, pt 1

Her own stature was a touch shorter than kaede's, and the gunsmith's apprenticeship had left her with a slightly harder, firmer build.

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The Wizard's Luck

If i think, for even a moment, that you aren't dedicated to your apprenticeship - i'll send you home." he paused, and then turned to me. "do you understand?" i just nodded, my head spinning and chest fighting to find my breath.

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A Familiar Apprentice 02

"but one reason i offered you the apprenticeship was because i was hoping to get to know you physically as well as intellectually." "physically..." i said stupidly. "what happened to just going swimming?"

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A Measure of Worth: Chapter 3

"this isn't actually about apprenticeship, is it?" the older lion shrugged and silently continued drying himself. "if you want my honest advice, quintus, here it is," cassius said. "do as master atum did when we first met.

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The Wizard's Apprentice: Chapter 1

Everyone wanted to be able to be the one chosen for the prized apprenticeship.

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Vallings Chapter One: Introductions

Disclaimer: This story contains gay content and gay relationships. If you don't like the previous described things do not read this story. This story is NOT...

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Prologue: The winds that travel along the paths

For he'd already avoided being in one war by being in his master's apprenticeship, though he hated making weapons he knew they were a necessity. however our tail neither begins here, nor ends here.

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Whelp No More

Keep that attitude, and you'll not have to quit my apprenticeship dishonorably should ye find what ought suit your fancy."

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In the Shadow of a Hero- CYOA- Chapter 1

Brag to family about how you got an apprenticeship with one of the big cheeses of the library. c). find a childhood friend and confide in them as you both go hunting (specify preferred gender of friend) cb).

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