Gloryhole Daddy...

So why was he standing out here, licking his ice cream cone and starring at those faded aquamarine doors... the handsome young feline jock shifted his weight from one foot pad to the other, uncomfortable with his thoughts.

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Wolfsblut - Teil 1 Kapitel 19: Auf zum Schloss!

Canjy legte den kopf schief. ,,rubin, aquamarin, kommt her." tau und hakku traten zu ihm. ,,wir besitzen die fähigkeit zu fliegen, dafür müssen wir nur unsere kräfte bündeln."

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The Chronicles of Drakken

Finally, the water dragons arrived with caravans of aquamarine tents. their merchants were among the last to arrive, selling seashell jewelry and other items.

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Her long purple and aquamarine mane fell over hers and twilight's eyes, still wet from the earlier shower. twi giggled into her first real non-platonic kiss once she felt star's tongue tickling her lips.

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Play Until Dawn

Then take your pill and go find either aquamarine or tourmaline." rex's usual glee had left, jack comforted him by putting an arm around his shoulder and pecking the side of his face with kisses.

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True colours that I seek.

All is pitched in a higher key, lilac, topaz, and ivory, palest jade-green and pale clear blue like aquamarines that the sun shines through, golds and silvers, we have at will - silver and gold on each plain

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Making Scents of Life - Part 5: Passion

The aquamarine earrings she still wore glittered like sapphires against the dark forest and night sky, while wide green eyes caught and reflected what light reached them.

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Maybe This Time

Teardrop's aquamarine eyes lit up. _'could it work this time?'_ she gently placed her pals on the grassy earth, and rose to her feet. slowly. carefully. passively. the bluebird hopped backwards, closer the cover of leaves, but it did not flee.

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Date Night

Between his tree trunk thick thighs laid a massive bulge concealed under a pair of aquamarine shorts. it jostled and swung about with every move he made, stuffed to the brim.

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Tazo's Description

:d aquamarine eyes, angled forward for better vision, catch your gaze from beneath the two thick, black eyeridges that arch over them.


Life Bites

The tips were dyed aquamarine, but the color disappeared a bit with the dark backdrop. he had a simple black t-shirt with an aquamarine skull on the chest and his laces shared the unified color scheme.

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'Beautiful Nightmare' Teaser

T,t_** **beautiful nightmare: teaser** a beautiful, young white tiger slowly opens aquamarine-like eyes. while lying in complete darkness on something soft, the said eyes get used to the darkness.

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