After the Storm

This was a very bazar dream. everything went black and i awoke in the hospital bed and i heard a female voice. "babe, he's waking up" i slowly opened my eyes and yawned. i turned my head to see a white female husky with black ears and paw markings.

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Pheromones and Dragon Scales Chapter One: Happy Fregin’ Birthday!

The fact that he did this is completely out of character and so bazar that now, that my head was starting to clear from the euphoria, i had thousands of questions.

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You’ve Waited 21 Years For This

But as time moved forward and the charmed atmosphere of an open bazar bowed to the convenience of grocery stores and megamarts. with money to be earned elsewhere a disease took up residence. this area was the quintessential bad side of town.

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Payback for Christmas

Judy, on her end, was not hearing too much of this, as she and nick had been assign to go to sahara central to investigate the rumors about a "suspicious bazar" around those parts.

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Dragon's Light

Talshire was the capitol of avalon, and was a sprawling castle town in the mountains, with a clear view of the sky, a large bazar, and many winding networked tunnels that led to cave pockets in the stone.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Three

It was such a bazar change from what he had been acting like the day before that evin and dawn noticed when he sat next to aqua that she didn't seem to shy away or disregard him like she had last night, but seemed to accept him now.

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The bazar was quite crowded, forcing the dinosaur to watch his step while seeing the sights. the castle in the distance, a large arena dome where many sports were played.

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