captivity this story is a work of fiction. all characters are (c) by eisfuchs. this text is for mature readers only, so if you are not of legal age in your country, please stop reading.
Failing to suppress a quiet whine, he adjusted himself and picked up his basket, forcing his thoughts back to picking fruit, and away from his brothers and the captive snow leopard.
_relaxing_ influence that somehow managed to quell the distress of my captivity. the table began to move, slowly, back and forth, rocking me to sleep while the voices went on like a lullaby.
Willing Captive
Maybe one day he would need to leave, but for now he was a happy and willing captive within the walls of the zoo. **_end note: first of all thank you all so much! you are all amazing for reading my stories and commenting on them.
Captive Audience
I walked the line of captive females with a lusty eye. they were all gagged and bound, face down, ass up, and spread for display.
Captive Desire
The jackal grabbed the mongoose's arm and helped lift the captive to his feet. a wave of weakness crashed into prylon, and only the steady grip of tavas kept him from collapsing.
Captive in the City
With a wave of her hand her two tiger guards walked behind the first captive, a muscular equine. the noble lady stepped forward and nodded.
Captive of Coils
captive of coils for skywing starring salla the naked mouse was a little less than enthused by his new position, but the evidence against him kept him in his little room despite his tastes.
Vesanto's Captive
Shining chain mail twinkled under the light from high above, a magical light that threw a beam straight down onto his captive, and a soft glow outwards.
New Captives
Played out with my fav goat boinggoat boinggoat new captives the goat strode calmly down the dimly lit stone hallway, his long red robes billowing in his wake.
Captive in the Mansion
With a single quick pull, the lizardman slave's loincloth was whipped off, leaving the creature fully exposed to the waiting crowd. The aphrodisiac-high food he had been fed, and the scented oils and creams that he had been rubbed with prior to...
A Captivating Gaze
"Alright, Sal', I'll be off for the next two weeks. Your baby-sitter should be here tonight ! Let me know if there's any issue; I'd rather cut my trip short than worry to death in case something happens to you, okay ?" The anthro canine sitting...