The Explorer's Lament *TEST/Critique requested*
Long, twisting hallways, cursed stone walls, damned souls, rancid slime of things that died eons ago; the tunnels of Orak were nothing short of hellish and corrupting. The sanest minds, strongest bodies and quickest wits turns to dust when faced with...
A sample scene
Taking critique on this sample work, it's pretentious af haha i haven't written a single piece in my entire life but yolo 'closer...almost there...just a few more steps to go.'
Fritz tore down the constricting corridors of Starcruiser-1148, dodging men, machines, and anything else that found itself in his way. The hallways' dim fluorescents tossed just enough light to distinguish objects from shadow, and the small creature...
Meet Howard
\*rated adult for language and nudity. I am looking for some feedback on the work. writting style, characters, etc. Let me know what you think about the story. It's still a work in progress, but I thought I would show off what...
With Royalty.
_Project Renegade. _ Classified level _Blue_, the code meant for the Doctor's eyes only. Not even Snively knew of its existence. It was designed to be the ultimate war machine in the Empire. From Prow to Stern the...
Bio-Morph-One(tentative title) as of 3-20-2015
This version is for critique and scrutiny. it has not been edited except for obvious plot holes. the final version will be posted chapter by chapter after each one is edited.
Ayle yanked the kobold spear from Rith's punctured armor, tearing a fair amount of flesh back with it. The wolf let out a wordless moan of agony as the gryphon worked by the light of his staff. "Hold still, Rith. I can't - Oh never mind." Ayle set a...
Captain Incesto and the SPAAACE BABIES
There is no Captain Incesto because I ate him. He did not give me considerable rectal distress because I possess no such rectum because I'm a skeletal dinosaur. There are no Space Babies. I can't believe you ever thought there were. I mean what the...
Firedancer 3: the Lesson
Pyrrhi awoke with a start as sunlight quickly flooded the room. His paw shifted up to rest over his chest, the familiar thud of his heart seeming to travel up to his sensitive ears. "It's Midday." Rana's voice called from near the previously draped...
Wolfsbane Excerpt #1
** _ _ **i posted this excerpt early to my patreon but decided to post it here purely for creative critique reviews.
A Taste of Furry
People seldom write elaborate critiques for bad stories. his was big. big means good. every law that involved size confirmed this theory. screw fear.
Life-Like Ice Part 1: Diego
The rest of the critiques went pretty much the same. no one left out crying like the upperclassmen said.