Alone at School: The Beginning
Sarah tugged at her bra strap, trying to adjust it, as it was digging painfully into her chest. It felt as if her bra had grown too small, which seemed odd to her, especially since it happened within the last day. In fact, it had felt just fine when...
Onix by Lukos Onix yawned widely, stretching out on his back beneath a perfect sky. He wiggled his hips a little, smiling as he felt the powdery sand shift beneath his well-muscled body. He loved summertime. It was the one time of year he managed to...
Chapter 4: Wolf trap
The third ranked genius - the poet and the fourth ranked genius - the gardener arrived jbys, they are also the first to have this familial relationship in the organization.
Two Tails Are Smarter (Than One Dumb Human)
"i'm such a genius i can't even_imagine_ being this dumb!" resuming stroking himself because _it felt so good_, he added, "mmm, but this won't do at all, **no sir!
Generous Lover, a Don x Mikey oneshot
_i'll_ get super smarts from giving my genius bro a lot of head, heh heh..."
Coffee and love ch7
genius zoe, genius!"zoe is that you?" luke spoke. just the sound of his voice sent shivers through her, his voice was so smooth. but no time to dwell on that now, zoe had to think of something to say.
Leonardo Underfoot: Chapter 1
"i might as well explain what's going on; after all, you aren't going to remember any of this later," answered the genius.
The very idea that none in this town could appreciate her genius was on infuriating levels of absurdity. to think she had to present her genius to this habitat for low iq neanderthals. worthless, all worthless.
Dexter’s Laboratory: Bree-DInG LiKe- BUNNiEs
The genius demanded. _"scanning... scan complete. dexter, before going offline i wanted to warn you that the surviving male hormones had also been mixed with some of the female hormones.
The Cat's Stroll 12
Everyone's looking forward to seeing who the biggest genius of this generation is." kyu cao listened attentively, already imaging how it would be.
Loonatics Unleashed: Hypno Ray Testing
Now, say, 'tech, i've always admired your genius.'" "tech, i've always admired your genius", rev did as he was ordered, and at a normal speed. "oh wow, that's amazing; ahaha", rip said.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!
I still don't get why you choose him to be your rival, but i do know that you will never have what it takes to beat him because he is a genius, unlike you." shade stated. "a genius, huh? what is a genius, really?