Metamorphosis Idol
(M tf tadpole/caterpillar to toad/butterfly) Lod was a young man of a very long-lived rain forest city-state. Their home of Azot has existed for over a thousand years- new structures built onto or over top of the old, so the new homes and...
Idol Hands
The week progressed slowly, mostly because scott was so eager for his friends to finally get a chance to meet his idol up close and personal.
The Idol of Cattra
She nevertheless found temporary homes for the pieces, placing the idol onto the uppermost shelf fondly. the amazonian hybrid paused, then looked back at the idol. she felt so, so good... "you did this to me..." she purred in contemplation.
Idol Desire
It was just him and the idol, the idol and his destiny. he took off his backpack and laid it against the pillar, glancing around one more time before he did what needed to be done.
The Fake Idol
"Luuk', as your Rite of Passage approaches, it is important that you understand the meaning and properties that herbs have in our tribe. While you won't be the one gathering such herbs in the future, for this occasion we consider it might be...
Pokegirl Adventures Melanie's Tale Chapter 8 (m/f)
I mean..she is just a pampered idol at the end of the day, not someone used to long treks in the wild. which this is going to become, i'm sure of it.' 'so...what are we looking for?'
Life in Dead Earth (Important things to know)
(only pures are part of the idol families) idol family in vicentendia- 1st idol family- rhodium 2nd idol family- platinum 3rd idol family- palladium 4th idol family- ruthenium 5th idol family- rhenium 6th idol family- iridium
Stories of Skarn - The Quick Reference Sheet
Cat:** tftch - one night (fa), tftch - cats & dogs (or), tftch - fox hunt, tftch - bad things (mo), tml p1, tml p2, tml p3 (mo), tftch - idol playthings (mo), tml p6 (or), tftch - employee benefits **legalia "lega" technicalum, aka the idol of pure law and
Raiders of the Lost Clothing
He held on with one hand, clutching the idol to his chest with the other as may washed past and grabbed his legs. more pipes shot out and more, stronger flowing water was added to the slope. "may!" leo called. "i'm gonna pass you the idol.
A Whole New World
But the idol knew better. the idol reached deep down, exploring the femboy's mind, preparing the world for the changes that were about to occur. jaaeke blinked, frowning and putting the idol down. "huh..." he murmured, cocking his head.
The Expedition (Sonic Character TF/TGs)
As the two argued, jack noticed the idol glowing. "uh guys?" barry and john's bickering was too loud to hear jack. "guys!" jack yelled, stopping both as they looked towards the idol.
The Portal Games: The First Vote
But if they had the defense idol... "can you take the idols into the next arena?" tarin asked. "i'm glad you asked." draconicon nodded. "you can hold onto the idols for _one_ additional arena.