Twist and Turns of Life- Chapter 2
See you in the morning.....mel."
Ch. 1 The Silver Eyed Devil
mel leaped over the bar to aide his brother. the drifter shot mel in the leg and he fell. before dying in mel's arms, tom's last words were "give this place a name".
VR Kingdoms - Stage 2: Practical exam
mel rushed towards one, leaving the other unattended. it slid towards me. "mel, wait. you need to aggro this one too!" i shouted. "aggro? what do you... whoa!" mel answered, evading a lunge of his second slime adversary.
Testimony of a Killer- Chapter 5
He felt he ought to just return to his life and not bother mel again after this one night, but he knew he didn't have the will power to leave. not when he felt in his heart that mel might be his one and only. he'd leave only if mel asked him to.
Under the Mount 3
"don't stop, mel. i really need to come!"
Summer Nights - Chapter One
He went and sat beside mel, who again put her head on his shoulder. he could see her beautiful, plump breasts, just under the water. mel glances up at him as she slipped her paw onto his leg, by the knee.
mel ignored him, but dave's hands pulled his torso around, and the rabbit's long muzzle pushed itself into his face. "breathe out." mel held his breath. "you know if you don't i'll just assume the worst." trapped, mel exhaled.
VR Kingdoms - Stage 1: Learning the ropes
mel shouted back, extatic. the virtual bear reacted by renewing his caresses on mel's weak spot. the young cat meowled by instinct.
Library Check Out (Knotty Version)
Jabbing a thumb inward: "call me mel."
A Quick Respite
mel screamed. berin stood up straight, freeing mel's cock from in between their bodies. mel looked at berin's body as he thrust, the ripped abs crunching as he thrust, arms flexed and tense as they held mel's legs steady.
VR Kingdoms - Stage 3: Learning the ropes, redux
"evidently, mel_-kun_," someone, probably this taro person, replied to mel's inquiry. taro appeared in mel's field of vision. he was a rat, and a cunt boy like mel. i guess that someone in the development team was a fan of old cartoons, wasn't he?
LINKS - Chapter 23 - Cracks
mel nodded. "see you this evening." as herbert turned back to his roses, mel nudged stryder into motion with her heels.