Final Showdown, part 2

"i'm glad we did this together, although mica should be here to celebrate with us." "why don't you start celebrating, then?" the guys turned around and saw mica standing there. "mica!" said the boys as they ran over.

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The Guardian Chapter 4

mica frowned and shook his head. "come on and make him cum," mica began, "maybe he'll get the idea that he can give his body to us in turn for his life."

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The D-Reaper Rape (Commission)

"this is...a lot different to what i thought it was going to be" exveemon grunted as mica sucked hungrily at his organ.

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The Paths of Twilight Part 2

mica blinks and looks at his friend as the thought sunk in on him. "oh? oh!" mica looks down at the carpet then back to an-yan. "how much he loved you, i understand now."

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Etrian Odyssey: Fall of Yggdrasil

"mica!" mica responded, giving a hard punch to the wolf's muscled chest, and wrenching her hand back in pain. "fucking waaaall..." she hissed through her teeth.

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Oh Calgary - 02 Lor

The moment of truth arrived as two centauress' casually approached he, jon, and mica. as the centaurs drew close, mica excused herself. "looks like my cue whitey. have fun."

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Office Space

While mica was prepared for an ordinary day at the office, a late arrival means hard time served repenting to a relentless boss. when changing ways means total submission mica's taken for a ride he won't forget.

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Bad Porn: Chapter Six

Silas craig + micas warner. silas felt like he'd been punched in the stomach. all the energy left his body, and he couldn't breathe. reading the names over and over again, silently, screaming them in his head. "micas..."

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The Styx Diner - Ch. 4

mica stated flatly. "nina-lia has summoned you. no questions asked." and with that, mica vanished.

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Bad Porn: Chapter Four

Silas... this is gonna be one helluva-" "micas?!" "fine, okay, i'm--" "micas..." his voice turned to a whisper. "what? for the sake of all that is--" "hurry up... micas, please... just hurry..." "silas!

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Unwanted (wholesome, yinglets, short)

Frufru looks pissed, "zhat will be coming out of your rations mica." mica nods, "i understand matriarch." muckrake feels a well of emotions and hugs mica. he eats some of the meat and gives the rest to buddy.
