Planet of the Burds (NSFW Commission)

The osprey screeched. "scream for me, hen! scream!" the osprey chirped and slapped dennis' back with his wing."uuuhhh screeeech! screee! screeee!" dennis yelled with as high a pitch as he could muster."ah! ah! that's pathetic!"

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Anima Chapter 8

The osprey?" "well, he wasn't fully an osprey when he asked." she said, confused. "he made the formal request about three months before he finished transforming." i got it, then. the osprey was an anima hybrid.

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Wide World of Weird Episode 1: Mecha-Kaiju Island

The osprey is all packed and ready to fly." "all right," gunther says with a smirk, "time to suit up and make some magic."

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"actually... that's an interesting story." the osprey said, dabbing his beak with a napkin.

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Nightmare Company Pilot episode pt. 2

The only problem was that the osprey was not alone. about three wolf soldiers and a husky were guarding the osprey for whatever reason. the wolves were obviously spetsnaz while the husky looked more like a combat engineer.

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Really nice, and i like you guys, but i didn't think you'd want an osprey in a wolf pack. . ." he fidgeted, very taken off guard by this.

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Becoming What You Wanted

Summary: lyle the osprey is a nervous wreck without the means or help to manage his anxiety.

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Spyro the untold stories-Chapter 4: The patrol

Paul pulled out his s3-osprey rifle he fired two shots into the head of a on- rushing ape brandishing a wicked looking sickle, the ape dropped to the ground.

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Lisa we want you back.

The ows osprey, a destroyer is trying to creep into league space on its way to earth. the outer rim worlds have nothing against earth.

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Doll Factory

Fay peered at the osprey, "factory? you're not making much sense, anawyn. what kind of factory needs someone to be used on?"

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