Pokemon - Dark Generation: Episode 1 - Tränenreicher Abschied Teil 1/2
Rief kane und warf ein handtuch nach pachirisu, welches schnell auswich.
Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 7
Meanwhile pachirisu, who had been watching from the sidelines, managed to wriggle herself underneath absol's stuffed hole. when growlithe's knot popped out, a torrent of warm cum gushed out of absol's pussy and into pachirisu's open mouth.
Ghost of Old Chateau
Soaking in the situation, he looked at his trainer, even though ralph hadn't ever met the pachirisu, his expression was practically that of a boy that had discovered his dog dead.
The Human Species Ch. 55 - Mysterious Stranger Gengar
"please, do not be afraid at what i am about to show you," the pachirisu said as clearly as she could, "i mean you no harm." not giving zoroark a chance to respond, the pachirisu closed her eyes and braced herself for what was to come.
COM ~ Desperation Discoveries (Pikachu M & Pichu M)
A little bit of research taught him that the battle instructor for electric types was a pachirisu just like keith had told him. a pachirisu by the name of sejun who resided in a 'mechanical gym'.
Heratsu's Heat [Part 2]
Her nethers were widening then clenching to her thoughts, hips arching as the pachirisu watched those petal spread apart as if trying to reach out for her.
Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 5
Out popped pachirisu and growlithe, both well rested from their hard-fought battle earlier and raring to go. growlithe wasted no time in burying his nose in my bare crotch, while jake lifted pachirisu onto his lap while sitting on the edge of my bed.
A rodent most vicious
W-what- who-" he stammered, rubbing the bump on his head with his paws as he looked back up into the tree, only to see a female pachirisu smirking down at him. "oh dear, did i do that~?
The Deoxys Collective
Rusty was shocked by his reaction and turned away in disgust and ran off, pachirisu stood there for a moment silent until a deoxys approached him.
Static Havoc.
Far from it," the pachirisu says, wagging her large tail. "we jus' wanted the house to be dark for playful suspens'~" the zorua blinks. "oh. i see, then." the pachirisu grins deviously. "we ar' the _sexhouse,_ however.
Pokemon Dark Generation Episode 2- Tränenreicher Anfang Teil 2/2
pachirisu streichelte er sanft über dem kopf und zog mit der anderen hand einen knurps aus seiner tasche. „hier du kleiner frechdachs, lass es dir schmecken."
Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 3
pachirisu and growlithe also ended up getting along very well. once we were in private that night, the horny growlithe had almost literally jumped on her.