Halloween 2013: Part 1
But first we've got two hopefuls left backstage so panzer, send out the next one." "that'd be delph," panzer said and the sky-blue furred bunny hopped timidly out into the lights and made his way over to freaky.
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 7
Wã¼tend ã¼ber die stã¶rung brã¼llte die geiãÿel den panzer an, durch die explosion war der flammenwerfer geschmolzen und nutzlos geworden.
Black Project Files Chapter 24: Roswell Part 10- Final chapter
Yes, sir 6:00am by this time the rescue party is only two panzer tanks out of the available 8 in the mighty 4th panzer regiment. there is only one detail that unnerved the 300 plus men more then having the young vampire in the rescue party.
Terre Perdue, Kapitel IV, Bittere Vergangenheit
Auch er stoppte und verließ den panzer. er hastete ebenso geschwind vom panzer weg, so schnell er nur konnte.
Aphrodite City 5: Wrench In The Plan
panzer beast asked with a malicious grin, his tone implying he already had an answer in mind.
Aphrodite City 9: Ambrosia Biotech
The boisterous panzer beast could be heard as the bovine brick punted a suspiciously tiger-shaped blur past okeke's laboratory.
Aphrodite City 12: Epilogue
Yep, if there anyone who could help him recapture panzer beast's lost glory, it would be michael...
Halloween 2013: Part 2
panzer was congratulating them and freaky was motioning them to come on down and join him.
Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War
The bengarians favor strength over mobility generally, which means their average panzer is more powerful and difficult to destroy, and their infantry tends to be heavily equipped.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 37-Broken Steel
"panzer! i screamed slapping alex's shoulder and pointing at the tank. "ahh crap"alex called,"we got a panzer on the right,40 meters!"
Tanks, Allies, And More Troubles Ahead.
He did as told and radioed the panzer commanders. outside, squeaks came from the panzers turning off and moving away. "your move now andy," said the rookie gunner, kyle.
Lyra Silbermund
"erst will ich noch ioreks panzer sehen." auf dem weg durch die zerstörte straße überlegte lyra sich lügen, die sie den anderen erzählen würde.