Object of my Affection

"well it did cost me $10" he thought "plus i'm doubting its poisenous given all the trouble it would cause her" unscrewing the top robert cautiously sniffed the contents, a sweet spicy aroma entering his nostrils.

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portal to a knew realm

Coated in feathers as hard as steel, steals the joy of life and uses it for life and power, the more it takes the more it grows in power, tail splits off like a cat of ninetails whip with a poisonous barb at the end of each one,all of them holding a diferent poisen

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Love will always find a way

Not so deep like last time but there is still the poisen in you. hold still, please. i will suck it out. " he lowered his head and starts to suck the poison out of her wound. she just could sit there and didn´t believe what she heard a few moments ago.

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Last of the Lycans

Leith argued against his mentor,"well maybe that's a good thing, you know, i haven't been poisened by them, or you guys about them." "don't you ever think that!" luyet barked.

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The hunters trophy Chapter 4 Tight tunnels

It was like hell on this planet: poisened plants, limited breathable air or water and the wild animals was anything, but no little!

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Journey to another world pt2 ch88

"both of you use poisen sting." both bugs quickly shot towards us and shoved out their undersides as big stingers popped out.

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The Skaven Dominion

Man-things poisened your mind! kill-kill!" rasknitt pointed at the two skaven. neecha immediately began worrying about her brother but she trusted atuch now and forever.

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(First Book) When 2 worlds collided - Part 2

"someone must have poisened him." "poison?" "don't worry he will be fine but..." "transformation through mutation." "you mean he..." "yes." i found myself back in my world. i was joking with edwards about something that foster did.

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An Apsol alone never has luck

The poisen is working faster than i thought when he is already feeling his mouth drying out._ naru thought to himself but right at this moment timmies mother showed up with the things he needed. " right in time mam.

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Tales from the BellHunterVerse Ch2

"dis here is my poisenal report." ada continued, gesturing lamely at the papers she had passed off to yuri.

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Dark city later chapters

"we're luuky they'ere not usin' poisen!" magnusson rumbled, as he rubbed thick slave; and potion into the sword cuts. "why where you attacked?" granpug asked stalking closer, but never up to where they where working.

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