Spirit Bound: Chapter Eighty-Five

I convinced most of them to wait and not start trouble, but there were a few chiefs in manitoba and saskatchewan that were still 'beating the war drums,' as it were.

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Wait For No One - Chapter 8 - The Tide Turns

Geno had brought the subject up right after marcel had come back from saskatchewan. frequent sessions babysitting leslie while vikki and silver were away had helped to make up his mind.

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Now Where Were We...

. \*\*\* minot, also known as the "magic city", is widely acknowledged as a home for a local air force base as well as being an international trading center for provinces such as manitoba and saskatchewan.

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Sigh For COSI

'whoever didn't play ice hockey in saskatchewan must glide in the air'?" both of them look up. suspended on the second story is a bicycle attached to a long thick cable that runs off the platform. zack grabs the clue and keeps reading.

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A Healing Heart

Footnotes: sgi is saskatchewan government insurance, which is the agency that handles vehicle registration and driver's licenses, among other things.

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Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry

. \*\*\* "welcome back to brandt centre in saskatchewan," toner introduces. "our final seven teams will be leaving in the same order in which they arrived, starting with the winners: the youtubers."

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Shine the Same

saskatchewan? alaska? i just ... getting on a train and going. i don't understand ... why you want to leave." "i don't know," the mouse confessed. she stared at him. trying to get him to say more.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 13

It searched for the largest concentration of the natural magic we possess and that is where they are: regina, saskatchewan." she pointed to a city across the canadian border.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 165

This place is as flat as kansas or saskatchewan; i should be able to see something. where are the geckos of doom, or those giant nightcrawlers?" the mastiff muttered at nathanial. geoff shook his head. "that really doesn't help."

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Wait For No One - Chapter 5 - The Gathering Storm

On the monitor the image of the earth grew until first saskatchewan and then the prince albert area filled the screen.

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Lucario, More Than Family: The Getaway

And we were somewhere in saskatchewan, i decided we'd just jump on a plane and fly there, it was an island anyway. we decided not to fly a commercial airliner, i rented a biplane and hired a pilot to fly us there.

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We Don't Just Fade Away

Nebraska would have been nice, or saskatchewan, but this was where i'd ended up. i tossed my wrapper towards a nearby bin, it just bounced off the top of the overflowing heap.

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