Inuyasha's Surprise Part 2
Noticing shippo still wasnt wearing any pants, we rushed to the room everyone was sleeping in.
A Night of Firsts
She mewed very happily, and started eating, as did shippo. when kirara finished she sat and watched shippo continue untill he was full aswell.
Dog In His Place
When he vanished, shippo and koga shook their heads, their eyes stopped glowing. "wait... what were we doing?" shippo asked, looking around. "beats me, how did we..." koga looked down at shippo and gasped. "where did you get that?!"
"nothing shippo."
Shippo's Surprise Part 4
"you see shippo..." inuyasha stumbled. "i was the one who sent kirara to take you to the flowerpatch." i broke into tears asking "w-why i-inuyasha..." "because shippo! i seen how you reacted when i said we were done with!
Far From Home: How I've improved.
She looked up, "shippo. shippo spiegel." her black hair was short, with a green stripe down the middle. she wore a white oxford shirt and baggy jeans. her hair looked like she never brushed it. "i found shippo here last week.
The Skate Girl
Looking up, isaac was able to see shippo's fancy shoe soles but even more than that.
Kilala goes into heat
Kilala goes into heat kilala and shippo are at a hot spring while the others are off slaying demons for the town they're staying in. while the two are at the hot spring kilala goes into heat and shippo is the only male that she wants.
The no longer Tragic Lovesong of Destiny: FINISH
It was shippo who found what was left of the demon blade, and seeing the sword broken made the realization even clearer, inuyasha was dead.
I would find shippos brother and i would kill him to protect the worlds, it was finally time to take back what was stolen.
Inudoshi's Life Story Part 1
shippo moved over closer signaling he wanted to hear as well. inudoshi looked at all of his friends and smiled" all right i'll tell you all a story i haven't told anyone.."
The no longer Tragic LoveSong of Destiny:part 2
She got up and noticed a note next to her sleeping bag, "dear kagome, i, sango, and shippo went to take a look at something farther down the valley. we wont be back for a few days, please don't be angry for not waking you but it was urgent.