the doe within me

"twitterpated" he said but he was curios about them so he followed them they soon got to a clearing that's when it happened. "oh my doe i want you to be mine let me mate you so you can bear my child!"

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Tobais' Story, pt. 2

Indeed this was true, from the moment he had first put his arms around me i had begun to feel, shall i say, twitterpated. now with his leg between my thighs, i could not help but to become excited.

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Gender Issues

He and butch had play-wrestled a hundred times before, and never once had he gotten so twitterpated about it. then the unthinkable happened.

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Happiness ~I~

His skin now glossy with water shimmered from the light, but then again that could just be me being twitterpated.

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Monkey Butt

Chester says, "i think it's called twitterpated." changing the subject, pearl asks, "want to play some smash?" chester says, "you and rosie will just team up against me." rosie says, "it would have been even, but mildred stole masen away."

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Long Jump

Before finally asking, "it must be incredibly good, what you are getting from her ... to ‘twitterpate' the likes of you." he gave annika a look. squinted. and said nothing. twitterpated. no doubt that was a mouse word.

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Falling Lucario: Lum’s Christmas Chapter 6

The twitterpated lucario kept close, stepping in time just behind the typhlosion. ty peeked over his shoulder now and then regardless. as if to check if lum was behaving, but really to give a lusty grin at the lucario.

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Homemade, My Sweet

Not because he didn't enjoy being 'twitterpated' by her. obviously, he did. but it was his duty to try and resist. that was part of the ultimate fun, wasn't it? "it was my 'how i get when i'm teased' face."

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The Greatest of These

twitterpated? and what if i am? she needs tenderness. and perhaps i do, as well. a hard thing for him to admit. but a realization that was, more and more, making sense. predators were often ruled by stubbornness. by instinct alone.

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A Very Brisk Walk

Kenna's trainer was all twitterpated. apparently this guy was a pretty big deal in the breeding circuit. if sir thomas was a fan of his, then maybe that has some merit to it... "oh! absolutely, master kane!

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Dance of the Blood Moon: Chapter 2

Dance of the blood moon ferris argensis ## chapter 2 the coming days proved me to be a very shy person; though i was in love with the lady alexis i found myself at a dualistic stance between being magnetized with twitterpation and repelled in shyness.

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Ya Winz Some, Ya Lose Some

I'm vulnerable and twitterpated" "i promise," wolf replied as he gently let go and walked off into a clearing. a little more than about ten minutes later, something else was heard overhead, and it looked like falco's sky cruiser.

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