
And if he asked about the weight, well... it was a typo, of course it'd be a typo. i hit print.

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Frozen Delusions

Typing this from a tablet sorry for any typos. note: this was the first submission i posted to furaffinity. i was running away tired of the fighting, tired of the pain of being the reason my parent always argued. i'm such an idiot sometimes.

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A Dragon's Diary 09.08

So please excuse me for any typos. so yesterday started out normally. i went to the therapist, as i usually did, and got some therapy. that's all i did yesterday. today, i woke up ate, as i had nothing to really do and i slept late yesterday.

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Strange Purple Fruit

Sorry for any typos and grammar errors in other words! "these look interesting." bastion proclaimed as he lifted a box of strange fruits to eye level for a closer look.

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Description of shiva(updated 5/31/13)

I made this detailed description of shiva for the who want to know more i will be adding a bit buy bit as my story progress _________________________________________________ edit -- i added a few things i forgot and change the saying a bit and clean ay typos

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The Lab: A Vore Adventure (Nov 2017)

[change] when being swallowed, another key press is required to actually move to "inside (predator)" [change] zsaarr's look at text lightly revised for typos and clarity. [change] paragraphs should always/mostly have breaks now.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Prologue

However, i will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. the main things i would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. i only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.

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[Blog] Califur 2017 In Review

No bother to fix formatting typos, or make it look nice. this is the con's _landing page_! it needs to look nice! and some themed phrasing would be great here too!

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Prologue

However, i will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. the main things i would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. i only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.

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I've Made Up Your Mind

I am not used to typing on this keyboard so there are bound to be some typos. it will probably be a series. i'm testing the still waters. this town is where i've lived my whole life. fuckin' hobart, i.n.d.i.a.n.a.

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Other people are there for you: Srsly (Get 5 Beta Readers!)

.** have you ever sent someone a piece of writing filled with typos and grammar errors and expected them to fix it for you? congratulations: you just gave up on learning how to fix them yourself and hence never make them again.

Acies Aeternam (eternal battlefield) chapter one

Ofcourse i would like to have some feedback, and if there are any typo's please let me know. cheers!

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