Algerian Speed
Their mansions dot along the wealthy sectors of algiers, oran, and annaba.
Master’s World – Part 1
It allowed the wealthy to pursue activities that would otherwise be looked down upon by those around them.
Genesis Part One, Skupples
The wealthy corporate heads always looking to change the subject back to sales introduced a new tv show "skupples" skupples was a vehicle for selling products, mainly the new must have pet.
Lawful and Indecent, Part Seven: The Overwhelming
Laughter by every corner, camera flashes, clicks, all blending to white noise; the pompous "haw-haw"s and "tsk-tsks" of the wealthy at his bare naked body.
Decadence, Chapter One: Arrival
My parents were powerful and i was set for a life in among the wealthy. my father was in the military and my mother was a peacekeeper, the best honor for anyone. but someone corrupt saw them as too dangerous.
A shameful secret 4
"you're a wealthy powerful male... who so virile."
The Path Less Traveled, Part 1
In the dream was a man, who wore black, and another man who wore the wealthy clothes of a jarl, or a lord. the man dressed in the black and wielded a silver sword, and had decapitated the man in the wealthy clothes.
Tales of the Tainted: Brodec - Chapter 1-
He was dressed well, not by the standards of average men, and certainly not by the standards of the largely impoverished tainted, but by the standards of the wealthy, the powerful.
Birthday Spankings
While a wealthy young wolf is out on a private yacht for his birthday, his vulpine servant helps him fulfill an old family tradition.
Honeymoon in the hills...
The wealthy noble born stallion confessed, even as he impaled himself on that huge forearm eagerly. "look at that cock drool..."
Those Three Words (Origins)
If one of the two families was not wealthy, but was of noble blood, the child of noble blood was instead betrothed to a child of a wealthy family and an exchange of sorts too place between the families, status of nobility, in exchange for wealth and financial
Chapter 10 - For Hire
We have a caravan," she answered, "wealthy merchants looking to travel all the way to featherfall.