Those Three Words (Origins)

**Those Three words** Chapter I _Decilis Ac Fortis_ It is believed that in this world, there is someone for everyone, histrionically speaking it wasn't uncommon of partnerships to be arranged, often one's own child was betrothed to another by...

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The Embezzler

"1864-313009," the groundhog said. "it's in my name." stapleton nodded and hurriedly jotted the number down. then, setting the pencil aside, he rose to his full towering height, looming over his three employees like a huge and hungry beast.

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* * * fifth day of january in the year of our lord 1864. we took a moment of respite to tend to wounds. it was but for a moment, but too long. a party of seamen approached us.

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The Vice Vys

"no...but they were married on the 6th of september in 1864..." the lock couldn't quite move or allow him to change the numbers without locking it again, so he tightened it back up and tried a different date.

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 10: Sea of Tranquility

It was warm underneath one of abigail's quilts that cody brought with him as they leaned against a supply crate, the chill of nighttime winter air still holding on at the beginning of the spring of 1864.

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 11: Letters Home (Epilogue)

So in late july, 1864, they spent most of their remaining money to hitch along with a stagecoach train to make the two-hundred mile journey. the rumors they'd heard about denver city were true.

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This is War (Chapter21, Book8)

William sherman ripped savannah to shit just 'afore christmas in 1864. i was plum little. and i remember my daddy sayin' sherman's infant son died before william ever got to lay eyes on the boy.

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Spirit Bound: Appendix

Born july 19, 1864 (147 years old), two children: faeden and roison. cavern spirit. bodyguard to alpha, one of the monitors for structural integrity of the caves.

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Invasive Recruitment

"Hmm, he don't look like much." The kangaroo said, peering through a small pair of binoculars at the spotted brown cat. A flash of blue caught the eye from his nose, inner ears and the pads on his palms and digits. "You sure this is the one?" ...

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COMM - To Tie For - Chapter Four - Commission for November

To Tie For Commission for November Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 29thOctober, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Ember trembled, she couldn't help it. Caught in such a compromising position and defenceless to boot! Slowly, her tail drooped and began...

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Cat in the Stables

Felicia hums to herself, crouched amidst the stable-line, nothing but her tail peaking above the stall. She was hiding, but she also wasn't- There was no consequence if she was seen there by the stablehand, not even to her, her discretion made entirely...

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Worlds Asundered

This folder contains ideas that came to me in a dream or as I was occupied with work or inspired by reading other stories, and I had the urge to write them down. These ideas could remain a one-shot or expand into longer series, depending on my workload...

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