Good Boy! Part One

"theres hardly any other job in prussia than the army, emily...yeah, i was. calvlary for a breif time, and artilery corps for much longer."

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Good Boy Part Two

"its another bad habit i picked up in prussia. those men, while very well dressed and equipped, most likely your brothers fault, they are still poorly disciplined and poorly trained...they will not hold up well in combat."

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Brave new world prologue: seeds of destruction

Germany lost its great empire, had east prussia cut off by the polish corridor and to put the cheery on top they were forced to pay huge reparations . the old austra-hungarian and ottoman empires were broken up into much smaller states.

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London Murder Mystery

Today's topic is one of the legends originating in central europe, in my homeland of prussia, bohemia, hungary, the balkans. werewolves frighten most humans, and many of us wolvens, for two principal reasons.

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Those Three Words (Origins)

**Those Three words** Chapter I _Decilis Ac Fortis_ It is believed that in this world, there is someone for everyone, histrionically speaking it wasn't uncommon of partnerships to be arranged, often one's own child was betrothed to another by...

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Those Three Words. (Origins pt2)

From getting an unnecessary flogging whenever i do decide to exercise my own real authority, besides, i was already sent here to survey the land and people anyway, there's no harm in me being able to do for our allies as well as my own king back in prussia

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Better Angels part 1

To be honest, i believe the treaty you two observed, and this exhibition, are to prevent a war between the northern german confederation - prussia - and, hm, lesser germany.

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That's What I Go to School For: Chapter 1

"or, has anyone ever told you that the founding fathers considered inviting the brother of the king of prussia to become america's first monarch?" i'm mesmerised. his every move is perfection.

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 2

 â â â â "wagenhoff, prussia." â â â â â "ah, the new german empire." â â â â â i had to chuckle at that. "it won't last.

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The Dragon in the Deep

The place kelnixxdriia had called home was a valley in what the humans would have called south prussia.

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Trouble In Burgundy (part II)

It had to be contained, before it would reach the rest of europe; if the peasants and the lower classes in prussia would hear this propaganda, it wouldn't take long before they would revolt and join this little circus.

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Project Wolfen: Part One

"operation prussia," the general said, though the slide that came into view was a map... a map of canada. _"prussia...

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