The Grizzly Bear Stripper's Cubs

Ricky's 18th birthday has him onstage doing an elaborate joint strip with his brother and dad that goes over well. and later that night, ricky does a solo strip to great acclaim.

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Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 12: The Birthday Surprise

"happy 18th birthday ryan," and with that she whipped off her business jacket. as soon as she did she motioned her body back and forth with the beat and i could tell what she was doing then. she was stripping. i just sat there dumbfounded.

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The maid

**'the maid'** it was some time after my 18th birthday that i had noticed i had found an interest in filth. particularly the filth from my our busty maid leisa. she was exactly 10 years older than me being 28 at the time.

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The Lusty Weremilf Of Stoney Brook Falls: Part 1

Ian keiper has resigned himself to spending his 18th birthday alone, but a dinner invitation from his attractive older neighbor ginger changes his plans, and his life.

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Egg Day

Sasha stretches, it's easter as well as her 18th birthday. for all easter born bunnies, they're rumored to birth eggs for the holiday yearly. sasha and her family however never knew this.

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Just Once: Awwwww

He looked at the clock, and noticed that the day of his first day of work was his 18th birthday, because of course it was. chance was never remotely on his side before, so why would it be now?

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On his 18th birthday seeker became a water guardian and joined the ranks of the other guardians as a protector of atlantis. for several years seeker trained with other water guardians under the tutelage of water master nerine.

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The Birthday Surprise

Tomorrow is his 18th birthday and there is no better gift that i could offer him than to fulfill his fantasies. he is a surprisingly heavy sleeper so i used it to my advantage and planned to give him a wake-up surprise.

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Life of a Conditioned Slut Chapter 1

Today is jessie's 18th birthday. she has had a wonderful life and now she was old enough to finally be made a part of the master's personal harem. she saw a poster of the master. naked and muscular.

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Prologue of "The Twin Stars."

Slowly sitting up he sighed, before turning to leave the comforts of the bed on this, his 18th birthday. despite being his birthday, he knew today would be like all the others.

B.F.H. Chapter 3: The Pidgies and The Beedrills

But where my team and i become lost is why it's released on someone's 18th birthday. i have theories but they're just that theories . . . bur i digress . . . we're still no closer to stopping the pokemon flu!

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Breaking Out

Tails has tried so hard since your 18th birthday to make sure you never got this chance, but i want you to take it. but do me a favor?" "what's that?" niko asked. "when you find your true family," mina continued, tears rolling down her face.