Acceptance - Forgiveness
.** acceptance, based on a true story "what is wrong with me!" a light brown steed angrily yelled as he looked as his reflection in the mirror. a soiled diaper drooping around his waist. _why do i enjoy this?
The Unnatural lady
The unnatural lady based on a true story.... chapter 1: the outcast author's notes: this story i am writing is the a life story of a dear friend of mine.
When Master's Away
When master's away by snow the bat ~~~ _author's note_ _a short story i wrote from the scattered logs of an rp that inspired me to get back into writing the sweet smuts, so i guess you could say 'based on a true story' in a way.
Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 5/8)
The scene with the boar who was all "spreading gayness" is based on a true story. saw it in a news story online, so i decided to kind of incorporate it. sorry if it seemed confusing. 2.
Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust
So if the "based on a true story" actually has any falsehood to it, it's the "based" part. change the names and it's a true story. and yes, benayle was a feral vykati. it's a fairly common transition among the wolves. he wasn't even born in a village.
Experimenting With A Bear
This is a long thing sorta kinda based on a true story. holy shit i wrote something. this is a big motherfucker, based on a true story. i still need to do a full proofread, i'll edit it tomorrow, just wanna post it up now so you can enjoy!
This is based on a true story. i'm still deciding what i'm gunna do now...
Shattered Friendship
**_shattered friendship summary: based on a true story.. altered slightly. please read and review!_** there were a lot of people are jackson's party, it was a busy place.
Summer Leadership School: pt.1 [SLS:1]
It's the pre-story to something much bigger, and juicier, if you catch my drift;) summer leadership school pre-story this is based on a true story, although slightly embellished. also, it's going to be very long.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2
He often said that the "based on a true story" on the cover had no business being there. her father had sent her six of the books so far, with a promise (that she never read) to send one a month until she had all ten.
College Sucks: Part 4
You know, junior wasn't based on a true story," the wolf laughed at his own joke. mike just sighed and walked over the wolf. he crouched at the foot of the bed, between the wolf's legs, and reached a paw towards the wolf's package.
Splash Damage
Yeah, me neither.i wish it was based on a true story, but sadly the only similarity to my life is how much i suck at fps. dexter was the last to show up to eddie's lan party.