A Better Boyfriend [Inanimate TF Story]

He glazed over the various cantrips and spells in front of him, flipping through pages idly before one had caught his eye - "transformation spell: focus your energy, blah blah blah, might be perman- blah blah blah" this was interesting though.

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Chapter 6: Golden Marriage

Oh and blah blah blah, under 18, blah blah blah. "here's that shotgun you asked for winston", calledjohn john was a springer spaniel, more of a bird dog than anything else he worked with winston at the firing range.

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Part 1: Husky in Love

Seber rolled his eyes, "blah, blah, blah, blah" he said sighing, skimming through the half a page on where everything is and continued to read. ...and a tray of muffins on the counter next the stove.

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Synthetic Life: Chapter I, Genesis

, blah, blah, 'synthetic life' copyright to automatons incorporated 2064...blah, blah, blah, liability waivers...whatever..."

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Lifestyle Of An Apple 2: Transformations

#2 of lifestyle of an apple well before i start you know the drill if you're underage, 1. you shouldn't be on here and 2. this has adult content so don't read it blah blah blah blah so let's just get on with my story shall we?

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The Weight Of The Situation

And blah blah blah blah." she smiled and sat back, keeping her eyes on the tiny canine, "or maybe you want to know what happened to your friends, hmm?"

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The Orientation Room

blah, blah, blah, don't read this if you're a little kid, blah blah blah, gay sex, blah blah blah. * * * as the entry gate to the prison slammed shut behind him, it finally dawned on lance that he was going to be in here for a very long time.

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Pokelust: An Unoriginal Pokemon Erotica Adventure Series- Chapter 1

blah blah blah, the world is big... blah blah blah here's your pokedex..." dick hands michael a big, flat red portable computer as he spoke, "blah blah blah capture and fuck as much pokemon as you can."

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Lifting a God's Curse.txt

As he read it he muttered to himself ....blah blah blah god of death anubis...blah blah blah anubis was cursed....blah blah blah curse lifted once every blah blah years goes back to being a statue at sunrise...

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FFTA:FC Chapter 1

I'm not going to bore you with the legalities, so here's the shortened version: blah blah blah blah 18 to read blah blah blah blah sex blah blah blah swearing blah blah porno blah blah. there.

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another day at the office

And if your under 18 blah blah blah get the hell out of here this story is not for lil kids!

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Good Hunting

blah blah blah excuses for writing naughty porn blah blah blah happy halloween!

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