Should Have Studied

I'm going to have words with the young man and-" tremar froze as he spied something else; zeelo's blue sweater laying on the floor. "squeak!" zeelo was filled with hope again. that had be a giveaway to what happened!

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Vera's Revenge

He was a little on the heavy side his rolls hanging over his pants and down into a blue sweater he wore to try to his stomach. his chest and arms were build though as he waved the heavy weapon with great ease.

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The Forgotten Experiment: the beginning of the end?

He reached down and slowly took off the blue sweater he'd put on her. then stood up, looking at her the whole time while walking back up to the control panel. "alright molly, you see that chamber behind you?..." damion said pointing to the doors on it.

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Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 11

"hey," amanda said, crossing her arms, causing her impressive bust to push against her light blue sweater. morgan sighed and shook here head. "are you idiots serious?" kelly said, her lips stretched down in an obviously unhappy frown.

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Luca's Story Ch. 12

Luca looked into the duffel bag and saw a new set of clothes for her to put on that consisted of her favorite pink long-sleeve t-shirt, a cute baby blue sweater and matching sneakers, and a pair of jeans. one of her bras was also in there.

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Rexville 45: Birthday Part 2

Then the last two gifts were from aunt sophia and his grandmother: some nice clothes, a teal button shirt and a navy-blue sweater with white horizontal stripes, respectively. "how nice, thank you." keanu smiled at them. "is that all?"

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School\\\'s Out!

Black slacks, white shirt, blue sweater, and a tie. oh did he hate that tie. his brownish-black hair was cut somewhat short, and blew about in the chilly wind as he dug for his housekey.

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Vadim, Chapter 6: A First Taste

She wore a fancier dress; while her son, who looked to be about 17, wore some dress pants and a white dress shirt with a blue sweater vest over it. the raccoon and vadim locked eyes for a second, the raccoon giving him a look of despair.

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City Man, Town Dog

At the window of the main hall, the maid and an old man in a huge dark blue sweater waved at him, waiting for him to leave from one moment to another. yet, his legs didn't move. he stared at everywhere, and then at the people around.

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The Forgotten Experiment: Truth and Lies (part 1)

He looked over at molly, taking in the bright red fur and the cool blue sweater she was still wearing and smiled. she just closed her eyes in the aknowledgment and then resumed pacing toward the woods.

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The forgotten Experiment: R & R

Her reflection stared back at her, wearing a blue sweater, tail wagging. "i'm so happy that i found him"..., she began, "it's been so long since i've enjoyed the company of a loving person".

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Solace ? Graciano

Finally, at the end of hellina's tirade on the nagorno-karabakh republic, the bell rang, and i finally left the school and walked down the gray path in my blue sweater with no hood, and a blue pair of jeans, my everyday get up.

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