Aspire Arcadia: Introduction

His sister, who lagged behind, called out to him, "dad said it's dangerous out here..." "we're old enough now, puzzle," patch replied without glancing back at her, "besides, if anyone tries anything..."

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Snow Fox'ed

A slightly ditzy voice from behind called out. it was the rabbit sara, also known for "ohmigod-this-one-time-at-band-camp" stories. silver turns around and responds non-enthustically "hey."

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Walk in the woods -part 3

I'm just weirded since he, uh, didn't treat it like the normal booty call, he wants to go out on a date type thing." "hahahaa!

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Eighteen Years

That ass called to me like a siren while his zealous groping and our impassioned kisses hypnotized me in a trance. it led me to reach for the bottle of lube, then smearing a large dollop of it along my shaft.

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The Call

Midnight booty-call, no doubt. if she hadn't fucked him the last two nights in a row, she would've been willing. but she was tired. "look brad. i'm tired, okay. can't you wait until tomorrow?" the clock clicked over to midnight.

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The Great Outdoors

His cock had gone flaccid when he learned he'd try to frighten the wrong guy, but i was pretty much what he'd been after: a local gay theiranthrope booty call in the middle of the woods.

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In The Closet?!

"you'll have to tell me where you live," the otter's eyes gleamed, "you're not on my booty call list..." "humph," i harrumphed.

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Gumiho: Our Life Has Just Begun (3)

"unhhh..." a stifled murmur to my rear called. i whipped around. it was her, in human form; what was she doing?!

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Predator becomes prey -Lynx vs Mouse (Rogers Rodgering)

A small part of roger had new found respect for some of his booty calls that had managed to deep throat him, this wasn't as easy as they made it look.

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~at the end of the night~

He smiled to himself as he realized he had just been made a booty call. his mother opened the front door and called to him "efrum...come in....we're going to order dinner..." he smiled and padded into the house.

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Short Story: Kiss the Rain

It brought me back to the start of our relationship that all i thought this was was some kind of booty call but as the time went on he started to show how much he cared for me, they had been in small glimpses but they were there.

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