Victernus - Chapter 26

The forest of palm trees was behind them, and the loud screeches of the creatures inside echoed out towards the tunnel.             mahalia checked her watch and asked, "hey namara, did you do it?"            

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Metamorphisis Chapter 2 [Party at Syrus's House]

The beast remained inside the house, enough of his force transfered into him, but syrus could hear the thud of the creature inside. he took a breath as his body began to shake in fear. he whispered to himself, "what the hell is that?"

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Mystery of the restroom (2nd Edition)

Anyway, she knew that after she died, the cops would find out about the creature inside her womb. she became so fidgety that she could neither sit nor stand still and began pacing around her room.

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Uke and the Repair/Trade Shop (M/M)

The dog's chubby belly grew even larger as lion cum filled the creature's insides. uke stood there, watching the belly get bigger and bigger with cum, a tingling in his one hole demanding the same treatment. _focus. don't be tempted just yet.

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How should I know? Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?

Quickly and quietly i stuck the stick inside the tent and jabbed at the creature inside blindly. when i pulled back on the stick i felt a light tug in resistance.

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Unintended Intruder - 05

"i ..." the creature inside of her stopped, and its presence seemed to move away from her, as if giving her privacy. it's stupid to keep this up. if i do nothing, i die.

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Demonslayer Chapter 1: In the Beginning....

Professor morningstar looked at the tube and called out to the creatures inside. "tyson! tyrel! you two are going to be the ultimate defense against the demon clan!

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Dawn of Chaos pt 11

As soon as her arm passed into the cage the creatures inside went berserk and rushed forwards, shiva quickly withdrew her arm and the creatures froze for a second before returning to their original positions.

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The Sacrifice - Part II

._ _ i spent the next several months watching my stomach grow as i cooked largely vegetarian meals for myself, my arms and legs thinning as the hybrid creatures inside

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Insomnia Farmhand 979 - Musky Bullcock (Story)

While a lot of it was drowning the larger creature's insides, some of the mutated jizz stayed in him, sticking to his inner walls to reek later. down here the two would stay. conjoined, twisted, and utterly depraved.

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Unbeknown to him, a strong pheramone was being emitted from the alien creature inside of felis, making felis sexually irresitable. mark looked down to see his instant boner poking out the top of his tight shorts.

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