Going for the Gape

The dragon boy cried out as his friend thrust in just a few times more, the little behemoth's cock growing almost the size of the horse as he blew his load into the boy. "oh my god!" salacious cried as he pulled out, mr.

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Another Night, Another Rift

"hey, dragon boy! so, how'd it go?" forge groaned again. "shouldn't you already have gotten reports? why're you asking me?" "sure, the reports tell me how the appointment ended, but nothing about the participants themselves.

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A Dragon's Love: Teaching

The dragon male preached on and on that one should not hide one's true beauty with silly garments, though faith was hard-pressed to adapt to such a philosophy. she'd seen daddy's maleness before.

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Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 9

Nathan stood up and dusted himself off, "you wanna go dragon boy?" they were face to face with each other, "bring it, i will kick your ass!"

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Hot for teacher

The dragon boy said sternly as he slipped out of the classroom window and sneaked his was to his teachers car.

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Rutting barn

Hesitantly the lad licks the tip of the dragon's male hood. 'that's not the right time to try something stupid' he thinks by himself.

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Something Busted, Something Blue

For a red dragon male, it was rare to make it through the day without multiple females getting their claws all over your junk.

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How to Tame a Dragon

The mares appeared intent on turning the thing into a fully-fledged photo session, each posing together with their dragon boy-slut.

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Earning His Paycheck

It was clearly meant to be playful but the dragon boy felt like he was being crushed, letting out a pained gasp as the air was squeezed out of him by the strong wolf.

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He Knew

A young dragon boy learns the power of his musk the hard way! for the more investigative of furries: yes, this is the original story i based the comic of the same name on. i'll warn ya ahead of time that jason is much younger in this version, however.

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baby dragon

The midwife soon arrived with all she needed to tend to the baby dragon after ten minutes a dragon boy was born into the world cleaned up umbilical cord clamped and cut then the boy was put in diaper.

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