From Right to Left: A Travelers Story. Chapter 2.

The female bat could feel her finger and claw get wetter and wetter and she only went faster and faster with her rubbing. eventually, she added another finger and had two digits rubbing and massaging the area.

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Charlotte's Visit: Part Two

The girl bat leaned in and whispered to him softly. "i don't have that many friends. and i can't keep a boyfriend. so my dollies and plushies at home are my best friends." she gave him a confiding look.

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Lives for Sale: Auction Day

The buck-naked bat was walked down from the stage and the female bat looked over her new manservant with a pleased smile across her face. she took the time to walk around him and examine what she just paid for.

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Actias Luna

Those tears peaked in his eyes again and he would have began to cry if it hadn't been for the collision which sent his head into a spinning whirlwind, captured within the wings of a female bat.

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Tamera the Maned Wolf

She nodded her head towards a female bat carrying groceries home. the woman nodded back and smiled a bit and then carried on with her course of action. smiling she picked up her pace a little and swung her hips a little more in happiness.

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Marigold Standards

Marigold lei- rouge remembered reading - female bat, age 14, golden hair, black fur, green eyes. the bat in front of her certainly didn't look like she could cause much trouble, but her record spoke for itself.

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US-Ch.1 Unbreakable Spirit

The guard looked from him to the female bat he'd just slapped and muttered a curse. he exited the room and slammed the door. "now then," said the stone faced man. "your not going to answer me huh?

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Second Chances - Chapter 3

A girl bat," i specified. "but it never really went anywhere." "a bat?" "well, i, uh, heard that bats are good at sucking." i chuckled nervously. darrick gave a nervous smile full of secret judgment. "hey, i was like 13."

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Astaroth- part1

The soft humming of the rejuvenation chamber began to rise as the comatose female bat was rejuvenated again into a four-year old male.

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3.1 - New Positions

The female bat rolled her eyes. "he was broadcasting it!" "even so. you'll have to forgive her," the blue-furred male apologized. "unlike me, she's spent her entire adult life in service of the syndicate."

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Sequel to Just Friends

Walking into the building, i was greeted by a brown female bat. "business or pleasure?" she asked. "excuse me?" "are you here to see the whore or the rats?" "oh, um, the, er, rats."

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