The Purge :Introduction 2 days 'til Land Drop.

She straddled him rubbing her warm damp sex against the bottom of his shaft causing him to squirm like first timer. "...and frankly, i could give a fuck. sleep for eight months with out sex." alice moaned grinding her nether lips on his cock.

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No good deed Chapter 16: Welcome home

Not in front of the first timer..." the little bear was wide awake now, fussing and kicking. "wha.. hey! i'm not a first timer..." i shot back. "i'm eighte..nine.." did birthdays in the vat count? "wait really?

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… and also about his bathroom.

"first timer?" - i joked in the most sarcastic way i could. i knew this was the first time anyone has ever held him like that just as sure as i knew how much he was loving it.

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Two Guys One Couch

"acting like -_ggahhhh_- you never went down on a guy but you seem like you know what you're doin' awfully well for a first timer.

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Open Minded Family

.** ** "don't worry, it's normal for the first-timer, practice makes perfect," his father said as he pulled out his cock.** ** liou chao tried to

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Legacy Chapter Twenty Nine

It happens to a lot of first timers. they let their animal instincts take over for that one single moment, and find that they simply can't help themselves. and let me say, for a first timer, you happened to do it very well."

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My New Master - Ch 1

I picked out a good first timer for ya. and i snuck you a bit of lube to celebrate your v-card! you can thank me later. haha" he gave my crotch another tap before walking to the door.

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No Good Deed: New Rules

You're a first timer. the others are real girls too see? fur, paws, ears, noses, they're just as real as you are.

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Glory hole slut

To the hole in the side wall of his booth, the bull was no first timer to the glory hole. he knew what the hole was for, just as he knew he only wanted to get off not get some other male off.

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New Myu Club

"free of charge to drink it for first timers. we profit in other more creative manners." the horse explained as she poured him another shot. now jun knew that had to be too good to be true. surely, there was a catch.

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Nicky's Naughty List

What he didn't know, back then, was that the majority of the coyote-elves (and certainly the first-timers) ended up in clerical positions.

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Timon's Problem

"don't worry, you will and when you do, it will be like mating a first timer all over again. besides, after she has those me that's the only place you will be sticking anything for a few moons."

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