My Best Birthday Ever

That was half-true. i had my underwear on to remind me how hard i was. they departed with a full-blown screech. bloody stupid, my sisters were. both teens, and still acting like some pampered schoolgirls.

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Rabbitual Liar

"you know that was half true. you didn't want to give me a chance to prove the other half." "you knew i wasn't thinking 'virtual fitness' when you told me. you're a fat, lying, video game junkie rabbit and there is no way i'm going to sleep with you."

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 19

Well, that's half true. "i'll let it go this time, but if it happens again i'll have to write you up," linda said, sighing. "with christmas coming, we're going to be very busy here and i can't be doing your job and mine."

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Schoolyard Play

It was only half true- he did take a class, and needed to observe and test kids, but that was last semester. of course, the clerk didn't know that, and didn't question him. all the wolf had to do was fill out a visitor's form, and he was in.

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Tales of Airethe 16: Captain Robur Brawne

But you and i know that's only half true, don't we?' "no offense taken, i assure you", she says as she takes the scroll from his hand.

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The Serenade of Seed CH.1

This was, however, only half true. the reality, unbeknownst to the bare-naked young jackal who stretched and flexed opposite the wall, innocently exposed before his master, was that shorr was longingly, desperately in need of affection.

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Thriteen Tales 2020: Tale 9

Technically half-true. he did remember a shrub being there, just not a glowing one. "i wonder how it took me so long to notice it." kickaha didn't bother to hide his grin at this point. whoever was out there knew he was messing with them by this point.

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The Bigger They Are...

While zaps, marsha, and the two mays told half-true stories to the younger children and pokèmon. jason had found may holding her own against two other aí at ba'teese and just barely assisted her as she knocked out the two of them.

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For Jimmy, from Santa

Which was half true, anyway. his mother would assure him that things would get better, because she would know he was lying. intellectually he knew that she was right. things would get better.

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Wishful Thinking, Chapter 5.

Well, that was only half true. but perry didn't need to know that right now. "oh, yeah. well, i'm happy for you, but that doesn't do us much good when we're dea-" "next, please."

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 1)

It was half true; if saccularius died that day, it would solve many of his problems, all at once. "why do you ask?" "i ask because you will very soon need a new champion."

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After all, it was half true. **xavis is a character from my book series and this story starts halfway through the main plot of the book. the references are made to that, but i hope they don't distract you.

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