Chocolate Squirrel

He was nude, of course, his thick corkscrew cock at full arousal and hanging over his massive porcine balls. but the real sight was the room itself--thick layers of dried cum covered nearly every surface.

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Lost in the world: Home

Her hair was long and strait, a small portion hanging over the side of her face, while the rest flowed down to the center of her back like a light brown, glistening waterfall frozen in time.

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The bell hanging over the door of the coffee shop tinkled as michaela pushed her way inside. it didn't take her long to locate what she was looking for: the wolf cute a pretty striking figure. michaela whistled as she walked up to her.

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The Life (ctnd.)

It is 6:50 am right about now, and because of that, a small fog hangs over me. dew drops sparkle on the grass leaves with the scarlet rays of sunrise coming in. a small breeze makes orange and auburn leaves fly around me.


In His Arms

Even in sleep, he looked graceful and beautiful with the fur on his head just barely hanging over his eyes. i wanted to touch him. to lift my hand and push the fur behind his ear. i wanted to kiss him. but i left him alone.

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The shadows hang over me, moving only enough to show intention my breath deathly quiet, gives movement no mention cold hands hold demands for my life each one wanting to pierce pleading reasons like a knife for this, i dare not wake among company as hellish

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Winter's Little Surprises(Prologue)

Your eyes caught sight of that long, rainbow tail hanging over the edge of the cloud; it wasn't too hard to spot against the grey clouds. stretching out your wings, you lift yourself into the sky to level yourself with the blue mare.

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After a Swim

The bull turned away and bent over the bench at the end of the stall, pressing his chest to it and letting his legs hang over the end.

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Giant Pokemanz 2

Breaker flexes his toes into the ground, forcing dirt and grass up around the digits before he shifts one forward to hang over the tiny charmeleon's head.

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Tiffany's Gift

She had swollen so much that her belly squished out to the sides and bulged out over her hips, leaving her with two bloated, taut love handles hanging over her hips.

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Feeding the Cow

My arm flabs were just starting to hang over my elbows when on all fours. my thighs were always thick but i wondered if my cunt could even be seen with my large buttocks hanging over it. then the fence door opened.

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