Farm Girls and Stable Boys - Tamer's Tale #2

Kohn wanted to get back up, but elma pushed him back onto his butt and into the hay pile. "but listen, monster man: i'll handle all the construction stuff. al is not cut out for heavy labor because of..." his girlish body? fragile build?

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World's Worst Costume - 2

Helena led him directly to the stall, and he saw the hay pile was wide, and flat, kind of like...a mattress. don's ears drooped as he came to the conclusion that he was looking at his "bedroom".

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Grant and V

Most of the slavers were so exhausted and so famished that they devoured the gruel eagerly but grant reluctantly returned to the hay pile the served as his bed with his meal uneaten.

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A Sin to Cherish (Fanstory)

Cheris eyes valon on the hay pile beneath him. he stretches his hulking arms out wide, valon quickly realizes his predicament and rolls out of the way before being squashed underneath the beloved. "woah there, big guy!

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A Sin to Cherish

Cheris eyes valon on the hay pile beneath him. he stretches his hulking arms out wide, valon quickly realizes his predicament and rolls out of the way before being squashed underneath the beloved. "woah there, big guy!

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Rat Dungeon Crawl: Act 1: Chapter 1

Rufus paused in his investigation of the hay pile and eyed russet and then squirmed, tugging at his hoodie, "what if mr cloak and creepy comes down here and interrupts us?"

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Weeds - Chapter 1 - Where there's smoke...

"don't worry about it," jason said, walking a little farther away onto the hay pile. "really." with a clearing of ham's through, his zipper was back up, and he was walking towards the wall of the barn.

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Beau and the Bulls

Beau rose up from the hay pile and approached the part of the barn they were kept in, climbing his round body over the wooden barrier. he lost his balance and fell onto the other side, landing on his butt.

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Barnyard Orgy Show!

Felicia rolled her hips and sat gingerly on the hay-pile behind her, letting her tail flick alongside one of her legs.

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Chpt 14- A Letter Home

Tom chuckled crossing his arms and leaning back slightly on the hay pile. "now isn't that sweet." "oh and like you can say anything different." cadence flashed the human a smile. "guilty. what can i say, you ladies have a way with us."

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Ragnarök Now! chp 3: The beginning of the end tmes.

As she opened her mouth to say something yet another sneeze erupted from the hay pile. "that's it i know your in there you little cunt, get out here and i won't sue you for adultery."

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