You rotten boys _need_ to be taken over the knee sometimes," he snarled, and he started to buck. desmond gasped and clawed the wall. anal stimulation hardened his small penis and made it throb.
"god _damn_ you," desmond hissed through clenched teeth.
Adult, Age Difference, Anal, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Ass, Bad Language, Bareback, Boi, Booty, Boy, Canine, Chubby, City, Club, Cock, Cum, Deep Thrust, Dick, Domination/Submission, Erection, Explicit, Fat, Fatty, Femboi, Femboy, Forced, Forced Sex, Foreskin, Fox, Foxcoon, Gay, Girly, Grinning, Handjob, Humiliation, Laugh, Lust, M/M, Male, Mammal, Masturbation, Mild Violence, Molesting, Multiple Species, N/C, NC, Naughty, Night, Non-Consensual, Orgasm, Pain, Partial Strip, Pawing, Penis, Punishment, Raccoon/Fox, Rape, Restrain, Rough, Rough Sex, Seed, Semi Consensual, Sex, Small, Spanking, Spooge, Tailhole, Uncut, Various Species, Wolf, trucker