Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 3
True, i may be as hard as nails after enduring a soul-shattering experience, but i'm capable of loosening up every now and then. it feels good to be reminded of that.
My Life Inside Janine Lancaster
The silence on the other end is broken by that singular soul-shattering sound... the flatline of an ekg machine. the tone is faint and far off, but it is unmistakable.
Task board request June Warning (not for the timid)
No matter what she did, she got hurt with wounds that were soul shattering and would never heal. weeks later she was home and drunk again. she drowned her sorrows in liquor to the point of passing out.
Vex in Love 02
The gryphon's skin begins to crawl as that soul-shattering shriek sounds behind him, growing louder as the wyvern gains ground.
Chapter 9: Almost perfect
Every gentle gestures are ignored because the man is not a complete genius but a fragment, an empty husk with his soul shattered by their creator.
Penny Gadget's Downfall
His soul shattered. how had this happened...? -how it happened- penny was sick of being in her uncle's shadow. it had been years, ever since she was a little girl, that she did all the work and he took the credit. no more.
the greatest grief
He cried till he could grieve no more. and then he rose to his feet, clenched his fists, spread his muscular arms, raised his anguished face to the ceiling and screamed a deafening soul shattering scream that came from the very grief ridden depths of his spark
Love Letters - Second Letter
If we were a sappy romance novel form harlequin publishing, i'm sure that by now we would have been exchanging soul-shattering kisses and declaring love for each other and feeling the earth move as we'd make passionate purple prose love together in silk sheets
Mortality Chapter 5
It had been nine days - running on ten - since jason had fought legion and been knocked out into a soul-shattered coma.
It had to be soul-shattering to them, watching me pouring the remaining water over me to cool off myself. two of the males had tears in their eyes while watching that. they were all shaking after their hopes for some water had got crushed once again.
Main Course
"i know this is a soul shattering piece of news, but we really must be getting on with tonight's main event," bowser wave the small koopa away, he scurried out of the room and promptly shut the door.
Seeing through Another's Soul
Some who walked out alive were never the same as the constant abuse was mind shattering and soul shattering. others wouldn't so much as look at another fur in fear that they would be brutalized. and those that didn't make it out...