Unintended Intruder - 05

Abigale moved forward, tumbling over the point of no-return and kissing marcy with a passion she had always reserved for a special person which her dreams had made up. piercing her lover's lips with her tongue, she tasted the feminine texture within.

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Furst Strike- Ch. 1: Introduction

The senior soldier radioed in a request to see the general, stating there was a special person needing to see him. when they got to the hq building, the two soldiers escorted him to the general's office. after a moments hesitation, fardel knocked.

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Predatory Indulgement - Chapter 2

Well - i know, i know, he's obviously special personality wise. he's a great friend and is really sweet. but i mean... something more special. or perhaps just my mind is enjoying playing with me again.

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First Fatality And Funeral

The blazewood pack, being a very old pack, had developed a very special, personal form of rite for the dead that nonetheless involved the entire pack.

Short Story: Kiss the Rain

One in particular, for the most special person in my entire life, the one who gives me my ups and downs only to try and perfect myself and understand who i am.

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The Demonic - Chapter One ~ Job Hunt

"yes you are a special person. why don't you join our little group? we call ourselves the demonic, pretty catchy eh mate? you would be our fifth member, you'd be called epsilon."

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Secret Lover of Sly Cooper.

"and who would this special person be then might i ask?" al-bear was then right next to sly. "well if you would really like to know that person would be...you sly."

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A Shadow's Oath

He looked to the girl \*it is a sign of a great change to come for this world that cannot be avoided but it cannot occur without the bearers of the twilight sigil like yourself..you are a very special person my child" the dragon's stern look softened some

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Chronicles of Daddy part 1: The beginning and the deal.

**personal**... **way**... hehehe, and that my little boys, just with this story... is **only** for the **beginning**...

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The Afterglow

Andrew always felt he had to save him self for that special someone that he loved and for that special person that loved him. 'so . . . do you love me?' andrew asked and between the two of them there was yet another silence.

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The Wolf Warlock: 'Tiamat'

Nevertheless in an attempt to dissuade the potential for abuse the elders of the oakshield keepers assigned a very special person to act as librarian and custodian of the secrets contained therein.

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Charizard's confession: Now or Never

To him, you must be a very **special** person..." "...but enough talk. we have to bring him to the pokemon center to treat his wounds. follow me.", he offered kindly. takeru nodded and returned red to his pokeball.

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