Brad's story, part 2

Sure enough, there sat the buick in two deep holes dug by the spinning wheels. evan reached into the bed of the truck, procuring a long, heavy chain.

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Everyone Does It for Vlad 4

Vlad laughed, "yeah, and those fuckin' beavers in those spinning wheels?" taylor cringed, "but that mine cart level." "fuck..." they both groaned out loud in utter exasperation. taylor laughed, "i liked mario kart better.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 12

There were machines with spinning wheels and several lights that lit the room up. then several pipes seemed to run through the various machines with strangely colored liquids pumped through them. it was obviously some kind of lab. but to what purpose?

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MACHINE {Diapers}

Three already spinning wheels appeared on the screen, the labels above them reading _laxatives - amount_, _diaper thickness_, and _change diapers_.

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A Bond of Three Warriors: Chapter 5

Eventually, they were guided to a relatively large house, where they could faintly hear the creaking of a spinning wheel. fidel scrounged in one of the pouches and pulled a key from it, using it to unlock the door.

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2593, Chapter 25

We were now on a spin wheel going at different speeds and trying to lick each other's cock when they spun by." that got him a group look of astonishment.

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Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive

_ he jabbed at the send button urgently, his focus concentrated like a laser upon the spinning wheel that indicated the device's working towards his command. second after second crawled by and still the wheel span away.

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Behemoth Bets

Iron crossed his fingers, staring intently at the third spinning wheel. "come on...papa iron needs some new luck today." he whispered. the coyote's tail stayed straight as he waited for the last number to finally stop.

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Max & The Mid-Shifter

Of course, this room lacked a spinning wheel and a live studio audience. max wasn't interested in her room though... he was busy gawking at celesti's body. her stripes seemed to possess a life of their own.

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A Mech Made in Heaven

Maybe it was the satisfying clack-clack-clack of the metal ball as it bounced around the spinning wheel. or perhaps it was the thrill of suspense. or possibly the feeling of being able to "see" and predict the next number that the ball would fall on.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 22, The Calm Before the Storm

Just had to be careful not to let it get too close to the spinning wheel. that would hurt. thankfully the bikes slip stream behind her seemed to be keeping her tail mostly straight behind her and flapping like a flag in a gale wind.

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Witch Blood 14

Think of it like a spinning wheel. the wheel is doing most of the work. all we need to do is start it turning and then feed it a thin trickle of rough fabric. the machine's motion and physics do the rest. that's what we need to do here.

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