The Playground of My Mind: Shakedown

terrorist attack?" chavers asked. "little from column a, a little from column b, and let homeland take the lead?" perez suggested. chavers barked a laugh.


Astral High - Chapter 46

Knowing about an impending terrorist attack?" [kyle] "we could say it's a tsunami." [me] "no... this could work. angmallen knows, he could help. alex, you're fucking brilliant!"

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It's Not My Birthday

He looked over the package to find it was sent from "fayk street" and sighed again figuring he just opened up some sort of terrorist attack or a badly thought out joke. frankly neither one seeming more welcome in his current state of ennui.

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Stephillum replied, referring to the latest h1 terrorist attack, which left countless of injuries and deaths. two deaths left an orphan chakat cub, which was now mewling softly due to the sudden appearance of solarblaze and snowdrift.

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Chiricov- Chapter 7: Through the Smoke and into Danger

"it pains me to say, but oured has been hit by a terrorist attack. the red box," he said pointing to the map "is the damage zone. this area has been hit by six, 1500 pound bombs that were placed in the back of box trucks.

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Naughty or Nice: Chapter 7 (Platinum Patreon)

"the details are still coming in, but we believe it was some politically motivated terrorist attack. as of right now no one in particular has taken credit for it, but the whole thing is still under investigation," the fox explained. "i see..."

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Excerpt of "Maverick Hotel"

Any known terrorist attacks i could remember were often pinned on them. * * * did you enjoy this? if yes, please leave a comment below giving your thoughts.

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Genesis Part Three, Rebuilding and Space

The military demanded the ships be armed for no one knew what would be ahead or if some terrorist attack may take place.

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Equestrian Wars: Rise of Carthage pt. 2- War on the Horizon. .

Degrelle raised her by himself as his wife had been tragically killed by a communist terrorist attack. "oh how is she?" dieter asked very politely. "is everything alright?" degrelle laughed and smiled back. "of course she is."

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Ability to Kill (Part 1)

The moment i saw the proud, arrogant wolf smirking in the kitchen, listening to our radio about the terrorist attack, i absolutely lost it.

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Cinema Calamity I

"negations with the terran coalition have become tense in the advent of the rise of terrorist attacks across the lylat system. just yesterday a small military base on katina was bombed, killing more than a dozen cdf personnel and injuring many more.

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Fireteam 404, Monday 15th October(Chapter three)

Attack on airport, suspected royalist terrorist attack, we are to assist local s.w.a.t. team, or armed defenders. an a.p.c. will be along shortly." "anything else we need to know ma'am?" i asked.

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