Sibling x Girlfriend Side-Stories - New Routine

So i did what any good man would do: kept my dick in my pants, my mind out of the gutter, and worried about whether any of the _other_ dicks needed their balls crushed instead of whether i could get mine in you."

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Archive Sub Rosa - Chapter 4

And only slightly ball-crushing this time, so a good night i'd say with that. never does my face show any of the internal panic: i can't afford it to.



It was like getting your testicle crushed in a pair of clamps, except the pressure came from the inside. michel bit deep into the rope, howling between the frayed threads.. thrashing uselessly.

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Hooves had been laying on the flood, gagging and choking his testicles crush to mush by the young studs hard kick. that handsome black and white striped body covered in his and his father warhorse's bright yellow piss.

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Conker’s bad balls day

crushed by the two women steel blocks that were hoping back and forth nearly landing on his balls multiple times only getting his nuts crushed once and it was at least not very long as she quickly got off his balls as conker yelped in pain, but with every

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BUSTED! Part 1

Tessi and molly smiled at each other, moving their ball crushing boots off his genitals so he could talk. "alright... my dad knows a guy who is- arggh!" he is cut off by a boot stomping down on his groin again. "molly!" "sorry, sorry!

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Pokéballs: Pregame Pump-Up

As amber climaxed, she bore down instinctively on the umbreon's poor testicles, crushing them in her claws like a pair of furry stress balls.

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The Mythical Incursion 15 - Are Wolpertingers Rabbits?

The newly freed wolpertinger had his balls crushed. that explained the screaming from earlier. a bound wolpertinger nearby said, "they set me up here because i flew one meter too high." "liar," another wolpertinger said.

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Heat Wave

(minus the ball-crushing, of course.) needless to say, i was a rather happy dragon, and somewhat disappointed when i finally woke up. upon opening my eyes, i immediately realized several things.

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Pillow Talk

And she gave me the once-a-month-performance-review-do-you-want-your-balls-crushed-or-roasted-talk! for thirty seconds. i have never known such a tightass." "that's not what you told me last night," the raccoon murmured, with a smirk.

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Deus Ex Machina

He pressed himself as closely as he could, his balls crushed into the cleft of the otter's ass as dean arched back, finally, howling as loud as he could to the ceiling.

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